
5 Tips to Complete Your Whole30 Journey + A Whole30 Mocktail Recipe!

Dry January, Whole30, New Year – New Me… so many words we hear making the rounds in January! Jen here and I’m so happy to share one that I’ve been sticking to year after year, January after January. Meet the one, the only, Whole30! What is Whole30? Whole30 is a 30-day elimination diet that involves avoiding certain foods that, according to the founders, can cause inflammation and cravings, and negatively affect hormones and gut health.
Yes: Eat real food.
No: added sugar, real or artificial
No: alcohol in any form
No: grains
No: legumes
No: dairy
No: carrageenan or sulfites
No: recreating baked goods,”treats”, or junk food with approved ingredients
No: stepping on the scale or taking measurements

Daunting? Don’t let all those “no’s” get you down! You can do this, and you will do this. Completing a Whole30 will open your eyes to new foods and new healthy habits you’ll continue on even after your 30 days – and that’s a promise! Completing whole30 is so rewarding, so let’s get to it!

Understanding what Whole30 is and what you can eat and what you can’t eat may seem like a lot to take in. I encourage you to take a moment and just read through the program as it will offer great resources to your success. Once you are ready to hit the green light it’s very important to look at your calendar and pick a start date that will work best for you. Remember, it’s only 30 days! So selecting a time/month where you’re not going on vacations or have many outside the house commitments is best. I typically go for January/February. I also prep my family and friends as it’s nice to let them know what you are about to do so they don’t come at you with “hey let’s grab dessert” or “let’s go out for drinks” — remember, it’s only 30 days. Yes you can do this!

Another helpful tool is getting a group of friends to join you in your journey! Toss out a text, you’ll be pleasantly surprised as there will be at least one, two maybe three that will do it with you! This time around, my whole30 group has grown to 4(including me) – Create that group text and support each other by sharing plates, new whole30 food finds, recipes and tears[when all you want is a glass of red wine ;)] Whole30 with friends is where it’s at and those 30 days will fly on by all while having so much fun with friends!

It’s almost go time! Being prepared for what’s to come is game changer for a successful whole30 journey. A week before your start date, get your pen, paper and phone out. Type in whole30 breakfast ideas into your phone, see what tickles your fancy and write down some ideas! Do the same with whole30 lunch ideas and whole30 dinner ideas. Don’t forget whole30 snacks and sauces! Take a look at the ingredients needed in the recipes you’re interested in, chances are you’ll need to add some new ones to your pantry! I like to create a full menu one week at a time…. which leads me to creating a grocery list for a week. Having 7 dinners planned, ingredients purchased etc. is very helpful as you’ll never be left wondering what to eat, make, etc.

A few places I love to gather my recipes from are: The Defined Dish, Paleo Running Momma, Whole Kitchen Sink, All The Heathy Things, & 40 Aprons.

About 2 days before you start, get that list you prepared above and get your shop on! My favorite places to shop for whole30 items are..
Costco: pantry items, meat, frozen items, snacks
Wholefoods: sauces, dressing, dried fruits, bacon
Winco: fruits, veggies
Amazon: Nutpods

Shop all my favorite whole30 items below!

Execute the habits! Find the groove that works for you, notice what works for you – and do that for 4 weeks! What works for me is meal planning on Saturday. Grocery shop on Sunday! I’ve found that I’ve been eating my dinner leftovers for lunch[or even sometimes for a late breakfast] I’ve found that I never leave the house without a chomp stick, dried fruit or nuts – you don’t want to be out of the house have that hangry feeling hit! You’ll notice that the journey becomes easier as the days go on and before you know it you’ll be on day 30.

Enjoy the ride, the journey. Personally I’ve found that usually around day 7/8 is when I really start appreciating what this journey is doing to my body and mind. It provided me clearer skin, less bloating, more energy, reduced inflammation, and cleared my mind. Be kind to your body, feed it the fuel it deserves. I would love to hear how the whole30 journey has helped you, so please be sure to share in the comments below. Of course, I’m ending this journey with a celebratory cheers moment with you all so without further ado….

Cheers! And yes, you can still enjoy a “beverage”… even on Whole30 😉 Recipe Below!

Gingerberry Lime Mocktail

A simple 2 ingredient mocktail you can enjoy on Whole30! Cheers!

  • 1/2
    Gingerberry Kombucha
  • 1/2
    Lime Sparkling Water

  1. Pour 1/2 bottle of Gingerberry Kombucha over the ice.

  2. Pour 1/2 can of Lime Sparkling Water in as well.

  3. Stir, garnish with lime and enjoy!

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