
“I Am Your Voice…Your Warrior…Your Justice, and for Those Who Have Been Wronged and Betrayed, I Am Your Retribution” – President Trump at CPAC

President Trump was the one candidate who understands the abuse that many Americans have incurred under the Biden regime and he promises to be their voice, their warrior, their justice, and their retribution. 

President Trump is aware of the abuse that the Biden regime has inflicted on numerous innocent Americans.  At CPAP he promised to be their retribution.  This is the promise that no other candidates and potential candidates are saying.

President Trump knows that people have been wronged from not only the 2020 Election but also from the acts on Jan 6 at the Capitol.  Many Americans were arrested on charges grotesquely unfair in the D.C. courts.

Most Americans believe that the Feds instigated the Jan 6 protest and made it into a riot.  It was coordinated and planned.

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There is ample evidence that the Feds were involved.  Every day or week more information is coming out that provides more evidence that the Jan 6 riots were planned by the Feds.  This week Tucker Carlson is expected to release more information on what his team saw on videos that Speaker McCarthy will let them look at but not release.

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President Trump appears to be the only candidate who is speaking up for these innocent Americans who sit in the “DC Gulag” (see inventory here at AmericanGulag.org).  Pence is silent, DeSantis is silent, Haley is silent – why?  The 2020 Election and the Jan 6 riots were some of the most egregious actions against the American people.

President Trump recognizes this and was not afraid to share it last night at CPAC.

ABC even noted:

Former President Donald Trump continues to reign supreme over the conservative wing of the Republican party, attending the four-day annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Closing out the conference, Trump presented himself as the ultimate leader to take on Democrats and “establishment” Republicans and calling the upcoming 2024 presidential election the “final battle.”

“In 2016, I declared I am your voice. Today I add: I am your warrior. I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution,” Trump said as he continues to ramp up his third presidential campaign.

“This is the final battle, they know it. I know it, you know it, and everybody knows it, this is it. Either they win or we win. And if they win, we no longer have a country.”

President Trump recognizes the patriots sitting in jail who pray and sing the National Anthem daily from jail.

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