
Biden Says ‘They Had To Take His Head Off To See If He Had A Brain’

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier on Monday, Joe Biden was the keynote speaker at the 2023 International Association of Fire Fighters Legislative Conference.

As usual, Biden’s remarks were filled with blunders and bizarre statements.

One of the most eyebrow-raising things Biden said was when he told the crowd of firefighters that when he had terrible headaches doctors ‘had to take the top of his head off a couple of times to see if he had a brain.’


Biden might have been telling a joke about the doctors checking to see if he had a brain, but he wasn’t joking about having the top of his head opened up.

In 1988, Biden had multiple brain surgeries after suffering two brain aneurysms.

Per the New York Times:

Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. underwent surgery today to correct an aneurysm in an artery that supplies blood to the right side of the brain, a spokesman for the Walter Reed Army Medical Center said.

The spokesman, Peter Esker, said Senator Biden was awake, resting comfortably and talking with his family after the operation, his second this year to correct an aneurysm. An aneurysm is a ballooning of an artery.

The 4 1/2-hour procedure was similar to that performed Feb. 12 on the left side of Mr. Biden’s brain. Under the procedure, a surgeon using a microscope pinches the aneurysm with a clip, bringing the walls of the artery together. The clip remains in the patient.

The joke that didn’t land isn’t concerning, but the fact Biden was unable to remember what he was diagnosed with is just another example of Biden’s cognitive decline.

Biden would conclude his speech by getting lost on stage.


Joe Biden Repeats Lie About a Fire at His Home: “Every Piece of Furniture Had to Be Replaced” – Then Gets Lost on Stage (VIDEO)

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