
‘Time’s Up’ is a Gore-Soaked Affair [Review]

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Time’s Up is a horror film that doesn’t take itself too seriously. If you follow suit, you’re in for a good time. But let’s get the weaker points of the film out of the way from the jump. Does it matter that the film is set on New Year’s Eve? Not really. Do some of the plot points get confusing and convoluted? Sure. But is it worth the watch? You bet.

The sophomore effort of director L.C. Holt–who also wrote and co-stars in the film–has several standout elements that make Time’s Up a worthwhile watch. Among those is the bullying backstory. While not an explicit requirement, it helps when a horror movie gives a compelling reason for the killer to do what they do. The focus here is on a student who was so ostracized at school that he took his own life and that gives some welcome gravitas to the story.

Second, there are several standout performances from the young cast. Though seen primarily in flashbacks, Tyler Senatore’s Alex gives a heartbreaking portrayal of a teen struggling to find his place at his school. Madison Edmunds as Elisha, Alex’s only confidante, likewise provides a competent portrayal of a teen frustrated with the lack of action and empathy by the adults in her life.

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And now the last but certainly not the least reason to put Time’s Up on your to-watch list… Those wonderfully gory kills. There are plenty of goopy sendoffs that are sure to satisfy and disgust even the most seasoned gore hounds.

The kills take center stage here. Holt’s focus seems to have been dreaming up unique, memorable, and horrific kills. And that is exactly what we get.

There’s almost a gleeful tone to each graphically executed kill in this film. Moreover, we don’t have to wait long for the first one. The shocking first death in Time’s Up sets up in a big way what audiences can expect for the rest of the film. To this viewer’s delight, Holt does not disappoint.

The practical effects are not perhaps the most technically advanced. However, they are done with–dare I say–such love and reverence for the genre. It’s hard not to admire Holt’s commitment to the craft. There’s a reason why Tom Devlin, who headed up the film’s special makeup effects, is featured so prominently in the opening credits.

Likewise, a huge shoutout is in order for composer Alexander Taylor. In fact, bit more of his incredible score could have benefitted Time’s Up during some of its quieter scenes. When used, it absolutely elevates the material and adds just the right touch of New Year’s-themed terror to the proceedings.

All in all, Time’s Up is a horror flick that offers up both the gore that fans of the genre typically can’t get enough of and the compelling killing impetus that many find an added bonus. Don’t look too closely at the storyline but be sure to keep an eye out for the many fun and fantastic kills.

Time’s Up will be released to VOD/digital on July 18, 2023 from Dark Sky Films.

Wicked Rating: 6.5/10

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