
2024 Health & Wellness Trends Forecast

2024 Health & Wellness Trends Forecast

As a health coach for over 13 years, I’ve witnessed a myriad of trends in the health and wellness space. Some have come and gone, while others have left indelible marks on our approach to well-being.

I believe that 2024 is poised to mark a significant transformation in the health and wellness landscape.

My real-life experience in this space and health coaching practice make me excited for 2024! It will be a year that promises not just trends but transformative shifts in how we view and manage our health.

It’s time we pivot from short-lived health fads to embracing sustainable health practices that resonate with our deeper needs.

Today, I’m sharing my predictions of key trends redefining our journey towards a healthier, more vibrant living in 2024.

And, if you want continued support in your health journey, stay on my email list for more health updates, education, and motivation.

Here are my 2024 Health & Wellness Trends predictions in no particular order…

Trend #1: Longevity as Quality of Life

In recent years, the idea of longevity has transitioned from a buzzword to a central focus in health and wellness, especially in 2024.

This year, longevity transcends the idea of merely extending life; it’s about enhancing the quality of life, maintaining vitality, and promoting optimal health as we age.

There is burgeoning research underscoring the potential of specific supplements, exercises, and lifestyle alterations that contribute to improved longevity. This trend signifies a paradigm shift in our approach to aging, emphasizing a proactive, holistic approach to staying healthy and vibrant throughout our lives.

It’s not just about adding years to life, but life to years, ensuring that every stage of our journey is lived to its fullest potential.

Trend #2: Nourishment Over Restriction

The narrative around food is changing.

Gone are the days of restrictive diet culture (thank Goodness!).

In 2024, we’re embracing a more inclusive approach to nutrition, highlighting the importance of protein for building stronger bodies and promoting overall wellness. Additionally, foods like dairy, previously demonized, are making a comeback, celebrated for their full-fat, probiotic-rich benefits.

Trend #3: Dairy Is Making a Nuanced Comeback

In 2024, we’re witnessing a significant resurgence of dairy in the health and wellness sphere, driven by a deeper understanding that not all dairy is created equal.

There is a growing recognition of the health benefits of certain types of dairy, particularly those rich in probiotics and essential nutrients.

For years, dairy faced scrutiny and was often excluded from many diets due to concerns about fat content, lactose intolerance, casein questions, and other health issues. I myself went dairy-free for a few years, and noticed health benefits! Now, I incorporate limited high-quality dairy without issues. In hindsight, I can see that the highly processed dairy caused the problems.

I recall listening to a podcast a few years ago where a scientist discussed research on the gut microbiome. He mentioned that individuals who completely eliminated dairy from their diets had a less diverse and potentially less healthy gut microbiome. One study shows that “some types of dairy modulate the gut microbiota composition in a manner that may benefit the host [person].” (1). This finding is crucial, as a robust gut microbiome is linked to improved digestion, stronger immunity, and overall health.

However, studies also show that a High-Dairy Diet (HDD) can reduce beneficial bacteria (2). For me, this says that a Low-Dairy Diet (LDD) may be beneficial. It’s ok to have a little high-quality dairy, but we all need to be mindful of our specific bodies.

This evolving perspective recognizes that dairy products, especially those that are minimally processed and come from well-cared-for animals, can be a valuable part of a healthy diet. Full-fat dairy, for instance, is being reevaluated for its nutrient density and ability to provide satiety. Products like yogurt and kefir, rich in probiotics, are celebrated for supporting gut health and improving digestive function.

Moreover, the “one-size-fits-all” approach to dairy is being replaced with a more nuanced understanding. The health impact of dairy can vary greatly depending on individual factors like genetics, dietary needs, and gut health. This has led to a more personalized approach in dietary recommendations, acknowledging that some people may thrive on certain types of dairy, while others might need to avoid it.

The comeback of dairy in 2024 is not about reverting to old habits but about embracing a more informed and balanced view of nutrition. It’s a recognition that dairy, when chosen wisely and consumed in moderation, can be part of a diverse and healthful diet. As we move forward, the emphasis is on quality, variety, and listening to our bodies to determine what works best for our unique health needs.

Each of these trends deserves its own post, but especially this one! For now, I’ll leave you with a bulleted list of dairy that I’ve incorporated back into my eating routine:

  • Real parmesan cheese (the 100% real stuff that comes in a block, not the powdered stuff in a can.)
  • Full-fat, minimally processed yogurt with live cultures (not the sweetened low-fat stuff)
  • Goat cheese and sheep’s milk cheese (real feta is generally sheep’s milk)

Trend #4: Biohacking + Research for Women

Finally, we’re going to start to see the active inclusion of female bodies in the field of biohacking and scientific research.

Until now (and honestly, still mostly now), the realm of biohacking has been predominantly male-focused, often overlooking the unique biological and physiological needs of women. However, this year marks a pivotal change. Women are not only becoming avid participants in biohacking but are also at the forefront of shaping its future.

Author note: For the sake of this discussion, I’m using the words “women” and “female” interchangeably. Yes, there are people who are transgender and non-binary and I have no issues with that. For the discussion around biological processes and “biohacking” I’m referring to the female sex biologically.

This shift is fueled by the increasing acknowledgment of the distinct health requirements and responses of women, which have historically been underrepresented in medical research. With a growing body of research dedicated to understanding women’s health at a cellular and genetic level, biohacking is now being tailored to address female-specific health concerns and optimize well-being.

The inclusion of women in biohacking is not just about gender/sex equity; it’s a leap forward in personalized health optimization. Women are exploring and leveraging technology, nutrition, and lifestyle modifications in ways that cater specifically to their bodies. This approach is leading to more effective and holistic health strategies that consider hormonal fluctuations, reproductive health, and other gender-specific factors.

This shift empowers women and addresses the longstanding medical gender/sex gap. We are witnessing a pivotal moment where women’s health concerns are finally receiving the attention and respect they deserve.

Trend #5: The Menopause Revolution

Speaking of women’s bodies, 2024 will be all about bringing the menopause discussion and education to the forefront of health & well-being.

There has been a long-standing silence and stigma surrounding menopause, and 2024 will bring much-needed discussion and education into the spotlight. For years, menopause has been a topic shrouded in mystery and, at times, misinformation, often leaving women unprepared and unsupported during this significant phase of their lives.

This year, we are witnessing a sea change in how menopause is perceived and addressed. The conversation is shifting from menopause being a ‘problem’ to be dealt with quietly, to an empowering stage of life that deserves attention and respect. Health professionals, wellness advocates, and communities are increasingly recognizing the importance of providing accurate information, support, and resources to women navigating this transition.

In 2024 and beyond, the discussion will not just be about managing symptoms but will focus on understanding and embracing menopause as a natural and integral part of women’s health. This encompasses physical aspects, such as hormonal changes and their impacts, as well as psychological, emotional, and social dimensions.

Educational initiatives and resources are being developed to demystify menopause, offering guidance on everything from hormone replacement therapies to lifestyle changes that can ease the transition. There’s an increasing emphasis on the importance of mental health during menopause, recognizing the need for emotional support and community connection.

Women to follow for menopause support:

Trend #6: Protecting Our Hearing

You know how we all have headphones in, like, ALL the time. At the gym, on a walk, at our kid’s games, at that store. Between music, podcasts, phone chats, and more, not only are we always connected, but our ears are always exposed to noise.

Noise-induced hearing loss, a completely preventable condition, has become alarmingly common.

This year, we’re learning to fine-tune our “auditory diets,” focusing on healthier sound environments and protective strategies. It’s time to lower the volume and safeguard our hearing health.

Trend #7: A Focus on Mobility in Fitness

In 2024 we’ll see a heightened focus on mobility.

Mobility in fitness refers to the ability of joints to move freely and comfortably through a full range of motion.

This trend highlights the importance of flexibility, balance, and functional movement, emphasizing that fitness is not just about how much you can lift or how fast you can run, but how well your body can move.

This shift marks a departure from solely pursuing traditional strength and cardio goals, recognizing mobility as a crucial component of overall fitness and well-being.

Good mobility is fundamental to daily activities and long-term health. It’s about preventing injuries, reducing pain, and enhancing the quality of life. Fitness routines are increasingly incorporating exercises that promote joint health, muscle flexibility, and core strength, catering to a more holistic view of health.

Trend #8: Celebrating Natural Aging

Longevity research is reshaping our beauty routines. In 2024, we will see a trend towards natural aging (hooray!).

What a blessing it is to gain more years of life. And with more years, we get a little more wear and tear.

Healthy aging will always be in, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to look your best. If “anti-aging” practices feel good to you, great! No need to stop. This trend is more about questioning our intentions and lessening the stress around again.

I loved all of the images of Pamela Anderson going make-up-free at the Fashion Week. In 2024, we’re going to start to make the shift to see women embracing every stage of aging.

The focus is shifting from anti-aging to embracing natural changes. This year, beauty treatments align with the body’s natural regenerative systems, emphasizing holistic approaches to skin care and aesthetic wellness.

Trend #9: Health-Conscious Travel

Gone are the days when holidays were synonymous with overindulgence; today’s travelers are seeking experiences that enhance their health while still offering the excitement and relaxation of a traditional getaway.

And this doesn’t just mean wellness retreats (like the retreats I’ve hosted here), but integrating wellness into more typical vacation experiences.

While spas and wellness amenities have long been staples in hotels, 2024 is witnessing a transformative change in this arena. It’s not just about having a spa or a gym anymore; it’s about how these services are evolving to meet the sophisticated demands of the modern, health-conscious traveler.

In this new era, hotels are reimagining their wellness offerings to provide more personalized, holistic experiences. The focus is shifting from generic treatments to bespoke wellness journeys tailored to individual needs and preferences. Hotels are integrating a variety of health and wellness practices, from traditional spa treatments to innovative therapies like cryotherapy, sound baths, or personalized nutrition planning.

Health-concious travel will also include local and cultural elements into the wellness experience. Hotels are increasingly using locally sourced, natural ingredients in their spa treatments, and offering activities that connect guests with the local environment and traditions.

As we look ahead, 2024 is set to be a transformative year for health and wellness.

It’s about taking a holistic, inclusive approach to well-being, and recognizing the interconnectedness of our health, community, and environment. This year, we’re not just following trends but paving the way for a healthier, more connected future.

Be sure to stay on my email list for more health updates and support on your health journey!

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