
Draven Returns With Latest Offering ‘Massacre Blood Club’

Horror synth heavyweight Draven is back with his latest unholy offering to the masses. Massacre Blood Club has just dropped and it is a diabolical assault on the ears. Massacre Blood Club features tracks of pure dark synth mixed with aggressive and earth-shattering basslines. Draven has crafted a new masterpiece for all your dark and vile moods.

I was super stoked to be able to score an advanced copy. I immediately locked myself in a room with headphones turned up full blast. A lot of synth albums suffer from what feels like filler tracks, but Draven’s Massacre Blood Club is stellar from the opening track all the way to the last cut. This is one of the few albums I can listen to back to front without skipping any tracks.

Massacre Blood Club tells the story of sanguisuge inclined Darryn as he ventures into a dark and sinister vampiric club. The album includes an original piece written by Alexander Stinga, which sets the tone and mood for the album. After reading the story and listening to the record, I was immediately brought back to the epic opening scene in the much beloved vampire flick Blade. Massacre Blood Club could easily and flawlessly double as an alternative soundtrack to the film.

Draven is in good company on this latest outing as he has brought some horror and dark synth powerhouse friends with him. Those familiar with the genre will immediately recognize names like We Are Magonia and Zardonic amongst others, which Draven brings along for the blood soaked ride. Mixed and mastered by Frank Sinistra from We Are Magonia, Frank gives it that even darker, heavier, and grittier sound. Fans of Draven and those who like that style of synth in general, I implore you to also check out We Are Magonia. Trust us on this, you won’t be disappointed.

Draven keeps it fresh and keeps listeners engaged on Massacre Blood Club. Each distinct and different track telling a story. Personal favorites include Encryption, In the Taste of Blood, Blasphemy, and Stained on the Mainframe.

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I know it is still early in the year, but Massacre Blood Club is definitely in my top albums of the year and I foresee it staying there. You can pick up Massacre Blood Club from Draven’s Bandcamp. You can also keep up with all of Draven’s happenings on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Malicious wishes my friends.

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