Exclusive Preview of Scott Snyder and Jock’s BOOK OF EVIL #3

Scott Snyder and Jock, the creative team behind comic books The Batman Who Laughs and Batman: Black Mirror, reunited for Book of Evil, a serialized horror story that blends prose and multiple styles of illustration to create something terrifyingly original. As part of the eight-book deal with Comixology and Best Jackett Press, issues in this series have been released exclusively on Comixology, and we have a preview of issue #3 that you can read right now!
“Told and presented in an innovative format, Book of Evil tells the story of four young friends growing up in a strange near future where over 90 percent of the population are born as psychopaths. Despite the danger, the four set off together on a journey that will take them down the roads and rivers of this transformed America in the hope of finding a place where goodness still lives.
Imagine a world where nearly every baby born is a future psychopath. There’s no answer as to why the change is happening. Is this human evolution? Devolution? A virus? Can it be cured? Regardless, just like that, the new normal is psychopathy.
Homer is a curious, quiet, and determined 12-year-old boy—and an artist. The story of Book of Evil unfolds in first person narration from Homer’s point of view, featuring his journal entries, alongside his illustrations from his journey—as well as excerpts of a cartoon strip called “The Book of Evil.” This popular cartoon featured an everyman named Everett who time traveled, met heroic figures of the past, and murdered them in hyper-violent ways. Was the cartoonist telling a story to entertain? Or was he leaving clues in “The Book of Evil” for those, like Homer and his friends, looking to change the world?”
Book of Evil #3: “As the kids traverse the deadly wildlands, they learn the terrible truth about their pursuers, and what awaits them on the other side. The closer they get to refuge, the more deadly the journey becomes.”
Learn more at: https://www.amazon.com/Book-Evil-Comixology-Originals-3-ebook/