
More Horror Movies That Never Happened

More Horror Movies That Never Happened

Poster for Creepshow 1982

There are plenty of ideas in Hollywood that never make it to the screen. Some get close. Some are already in production when the plug is pulled. Whether they be good or bad, a lot of movies just never get made. 

Previously, we took a look at ten movies that never saw the light of day. Some were fairly well-known, Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash even got its own comic book series based on the film treatment. As always, however, there are plenty of movies out there that never happened. Here are five more horror movies that never happened!

Candyman: The Midnight Meat Train

After the success of Candyman, director Bernard Rose wrote a treatment for a sequel based on another highly regarded Clive Barker story “The Midnight Meat Train.” That story was centered on a serial killer in the New York subway system, butchering the stragglers on the last train every night. Rose’s treatment changed a few things, not the least of which was adding the Candyman to the story as its killer. The location was also changed to London and while little else is known about the story, Rose has also said that it was going reveal that the Queen of England was a cannibal. The core concept of putting Candyman into the setting of “Midnight Meat Train” actually works very well, so it’s a shame that the movie never came to light, even though the eventual film adaptation of The Midnight Meat Train was very good. Rose revealed on The Movie Crypt podcast that part of him was hoping nothing came of it because he was setting up his next film Immortal Beloved at the same time. 


Dog Soldiers: Fresh Meat

Despite the success of Scottish director Neill Marshall’s werewolf action movie Dog Soldiers, a planned sequel has yet to see the light of day. The sequel would have seen the movie’s sole survivor, Cooper, running into a U.S. Special Forces team that were working in the area and came to investigate the explosion at the house. The intention was very much to turn it into an American franchise. There were some other ideas, one being a prequel and one abandoning the werewolf story completely to focus on vampires. If the Marshall-less Descent 2 is anything to go off of, we will hold out hope that Marshall is involved if the idea ever gets off the ground. 

Dog Soldiers

Cannibal Fury

A trade ad from 1983 suggests that Cannibal Fury, Ruggero Deodato’s sequel to his 1980 cult classic Cannibal Holocaust, was expected to begin principal photography on July 15th of that year. Not much else is known about the project other than the original title and start date. But Deodato actually tried to get the sequel off the ground in some form or another for years. In 2005, the late director announced that the sequel would be made under the new name Cannibals. For a few years it almost looked like it could happen at any moment, then things got silent once again. With the director’s recent passing, the chances of this project materializing are pretty slim. 

Cannibal Movies - horror movie cannibal holocaust

Creepshow 3

Yes, we’re all aware that there is unfortunately a movie out there with the title Creepshow 3. But this was going to be an actual, honest-to-goodness sequel from Laurel Entertainment and with George Romero and Stephen King involved. It was again going to be based on the stories of Stephen King and while there have been rumors, there’s no set word on the stories that would have been adapted for the film had it been made. One interesting thing about this project is that it would have been a mostly animated feature with live-action wraparound segments, making it the total opposite of Creepshow 2. 

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Ignoring The Fly II, the third film was going to bring back Geena Davis as Veronica. It would have followed from the end of the first movie, with Veronica giving birth to twin boys. They appear perfectly normal and then at the onset of puberty, their bodies begin to change in drastic fashion. Interestingly enough, this treatment was written by Davis herself. Brooksfilm loved the idea and the movie looked like it was going to go into production pretty quickly. It was a sequel to a successful movie and it had a major star attached. Then it died out almost immediately. Years later, David Cronenberg announced that he himself would be making a sort of spiritual sequel to The Fly under the guise of a remake. That gained a lot of buzz, but the studio was not interested in Cronenberg’s ideas, so nothing came of the project.

The Fly

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