
Ten Horror Movie Characters We Love to Hate

Most of the time, characters in movies, books, and podcasts are memorable because of how relatable or likable they are or how much they impact the universe of which they are a part. But there’s always that one character. You know exactly what I’m talking about. That one character you would love to see get killed. It could be for a plethora of reasons: Perhaps they’re rude or annoying, or maybe they totally betrayed their friends at some point in the movie. Either way, you hate them and odds are tons of other people do too. Read on for 10 characters in horror movies we love to hate.

Trey Cooper: Freddy vs. Jason

Trey is a glorified background character and the first to get killed off in the 2003 slasher Freddy vs. Jason. By anybody’s standards, Trey is the perfect example of a douchey boyfriend and a character we love to hate. Throughout the few scenes he’s in, he is rude, cruel, and incredibly demanding. One scene shows him getting irritated at his girlfriend, Gib, for not wanting to have sex when he does. It’s reasons like this that which make his particularly odd death all the more enjoyable to watch. After Gib goes to take a shower, Trey rolls onto his stomach to grab a beer and is unaware of the hulking Jason’s presence in the bedroom. Jason stabs him a bunch of times in the back before finishing him off by pulling both ends of the bed inward.

Paige Edwards: House of Wax (2005)

In theory, Paige could have been a good supporting character in the 2005 thriller House of Wax. But she wasn’t. She really wasn’t. She was played by Paris Hilton, whose reputation may have contributed to the negative reaction from viewers. The actress gave something of a lackluster performance and people cheered when she was finally killed off. After putting up a decent fight, Paige ended up with the sharp end of a pole getting rammed through her forehead.

Ronnie White: Halloween (2007)

In Rob Zombie’s 2007 reboot of Halloween, we get a closer, more twisted look into young Michael Myers’ home life. Along with his mother and two sisters Michael lives with his mother’s boyfriend, Ronnie. Ronnie is a rude, temperamental alcoholic. When he isn’t insulting Michael or hitting on Judith Myers, he is being a genuine displeasure for everyone; these are just a few reasons we love to hate him. Ronnie is the second to die in the film at the hands of Michael Myers thanks to a well-deserved throat slash.

Vukmir: A Serbian Film 

When it comes to movie villains, A Serbian Film‘s Vukmir is as bad as it gets. You name it, this guy probably did it: snuff film director, Serbian mobster, pornographer, pedophile, necrophile. One would think that finally seeing him die would feel like a reward after watching all the awful things he did. But it isn’t. You almost want him to suffer more. Either way, he is killed off after a tussle with one of his victims, Milo. So take some pleasure in that if you can.

Jack Torrance: The Shining 

One could probably make the argument that Jack isn’t really responsible for his behavior in The Shining. After all, he is being controlled by the unseen force that haunts the Overlook Hotel. Regardless of that, he does come across as an insufferable creep that we love to hate. And many viewers are happy when he gets his comeuppance at the end of the film. After attempting to kill his family Jack is left to freeze to death in the giant maze outside the Overlook.

Heather Donahue: The Blair Witch Project

I was hesitant to put Heather on this list as The Blair Witch Project is one of my favorite movies. But there is no denying how irritating final girl Heather is. Anyone who loves to hate her has reason to do so. She is a bossy control freak who refuses to admit when she is in the wrong. Her death is a simple off screen kill thanks to the Blair Witch but oh so satisfying and worth the wait.

Mrs. Carmody: The Mist (2007)

Mrs. Carmody is what one might call a religious nut. She is notorious around Bridgton, Maine for being mentally unstable Karen and for believing in a bloodthirsty God. She takes her beliefs to a whole new level when she attempts to get her small group of followers to sacrifice people. Including a small child. Luckily things don’t go that far. Thanks to a couple of bullets (one in the gut, the other in the head).

Jack Frost: Jack Frost (1997)

It’s bad enough Jack Frost is a serial killer. Then the ante really gets raised during his transformation into a killer snowman with the help of a little toxic waste. Obviously this movie is meant to act as a parody, thus why Jack Frost is the kind of antagonist viewers love to hate. It’s hard to decide what to hate most about this character: his terrible design, the crappy one liners, or the less-than-creative kills. Luckily for us officer Sam puts an end to everyone’s suffering when he kills Jack in a truck bed full of antifreeze. But don’t get too excited, there is a sequel.

Margaret White: Carrie (1976 and 2013)

Carrie White has a difficult enough time fitting in at school. It certainly doesn’t help that she has an overbearing mother to deal with at home. Margaret White is a mentally ill, God-fearing, abusive matriarch. She believes that just about everything is sinful–especially sex. While she does actually love her daughter she is also extremely co-dependent and that results in her becoming a secondary antagonist. To nobody’s surprise, Margaret is killed by Carrie’s power of telekinesis.

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Franklin Hardesty: Texas Chain Saw Massacre 

Franklin is, without a doubt, one of the whiniest characters in cinematic history. In every scene he appears in, he is complaining about something, irritating his friends with his childish antics, or yelling for his sister, Sally. Although he does deserve some props for being the first and only victim in Texas Chain Saw Massacre to be killed with Leatherface’s chainsaw, viewers have every reason to love to hate him.

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