
The #1 Movie On Hulu Is A Wild Indie Horror Film

The #1 Movie On Hulu Is A Wild Indie Horror Film

We love to see horror represented on the chart. However, we go gaga when a movie claims a top spot, like today. This is why we are happy to report that the #1 movie on Hulu is The Offering. Let’s get to know our new King, shall we?


In the wake of a young Jewish girl’s disappearance, the son of a Hasidic funeral director returns home with his pregnant wife in hopes of reconciling with his father. Little do they know that directly beneath them in the family morgue, an ancient evil with sinister plans for the unborn child lurks inside a mysterious corpse.

The Offering was directed by Oliver Park. It was written by Hank Hoffman and Jonathan Yunger. The film stars Nick Blood, Emily Wiseman, and Paul Kaye.

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The Offering 2 - The #1 Movie On Hulu Is A Wild Indie Horror Film

Hulu subscribers have been losing their minds over the movie’s ending on Twitter. Others are just yelling into the void that it is “wild asf” and encouraging people to watch it.

See what Twitter is saying about The Offering

Also Read: The #1 Thriller On Hulu For The Month Is “A must watch”

TheOffering 010 960x640 - The #1 Movie On Hulu Is A Wild Indie Horror Film

The genre needs more Jewish horror entries, so we are very excited this one is doing so well on Hulu. If you are unfamiliar with this chaotic ride, check out the trailer below.

Watch the trailer

Oliver Park’s next project is the highly anticipated fourth installment of the Blair Witch franchise. So, checking this movie out might give us a glimpse into what this filmmaker can do. Either way, it looks sick, and we’re happy to see it finding a fanbase. 

Have you caught The Offering on Hulu? Let me know what you think about the film at @misssharai.

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