
The #1 Sci-Fi Thriller On Netflix Has Wild Twists

The #1 Sci-Fi Thriller On Netflix Has Wild Twists

The #1 sci-fi thriller is hard to explain but has a very direct Netflix-to-Twitter pipeline for viewers. Synchronic is causing a lot of conversations about time travel, drugs, and the unexpected ending of the film. What sounds like a bonkers ride turns into something more sinister than anyone could have predicted.


“The lives of two paramedics in New Orleans are ripped apart after a series of horrific deaths are caused by a new designer drug.”

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synchronic 2 960x540 - The #1 Sci-Fi Thriller On Netflix Has Wild Twists

Synchronic is directed by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead. It was written by Justin Benson. It stars Jamie Dornan, Anthony Mackie, Katie Aselton, and Devyn A. Tyler.

Twitter is torn over the very divisive ending. However, everyone seems to be having a good time trying to wrap their heads around this drug that leads to time travel. Many Netflix viewers are also complimenting Anthony Mackie’s performance. 

See what Twitter says

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sync 960x540 - The #1 Sci-Fi Thriller On Netflix Has Wild Twists

Again, this Netflix find is too trippy for words. We encourage you to get onto Google to try to make sense of it along with us. However, check out the trailer below first to see if this drug-induced time-traveling sci-fi thriller is your kind of movie.

Watch the trailer

Full disclosure, I hate spoilers. However, I’m really happy Twitter ruined this ending for me. I highly recommend you consider looking into this one before you hit play.

If you have seen Synchronic on Netflix, let us know what you thought of it in the comments. Please also be respectful of people who are understandably upset by the ending of the movie.

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