How Thyroid Healing & Adrenal Fatigue Expert Carrie Vitt Helps Others Take Charge Of Their Wellness

Today we’re joined by Carrie Vitt, a functional nutritional therapist who specializes in healing thyroid and adrenal fatigue issues.
If you’ve ever felt stuck in your health or with your weight, this episode is the first place to start. After experiencing hair loss, weight gain, changes in her skin, mood, and overall health, she was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroid disease and knew something needed to change.
Conventional medicine helped a little, but she knew she needed so much more. She took a deep dive into healing and has turned her experience into a source of knowledge and support for other women who may be facing the same struggles. She is an expert in thyroid and hormone health and shares all of her wisdom on her popular website
Click play below, or look for Episode 14: From Patient to Expert: How Thyroid Healing & Adrenal Fatigue Expert Carrie Vitt Helps Others Take Charge Of Their Wellness of The Elizabeth Rider Show.
I’ve personally been following Carrie on Instagram for about a year now, and I am so excited to have her on as a guest.
Join me as I dig into all things thyroid and adrenal health with Carrie, where we discuss the relationship between thyroid health and adrenal fatigue, how the liver plays a big role in your body weight, and how to improve your body’s hormonal balance. We also share thyroid test recommendations, tips for your adrenals to stay healthy, symptoms to look out for, ways to balance your hormones, and so much more.
This episode is packed with actionable tips and invaluable information, so tune in and unlock your maximum health and well-being today!
- What does wellness mean to Carrie? [1:23]
- The motivation behind Carrie’s pursuit in the Thyroid Adrenal Autoimmune field [2:11]
- How Carrie conquered her 5-year battle with Hashimoto’s disease [9:52]
- Carrie’s journey to becoming a functional nutritional therapist [12:46]
- Carrie’s approach to treating thyroid issues and adrenal fatigue [13:44]
- Recommended tests for your thyroid health [18:00]
- Signs you may have Adrenal Fatigue [19:47]
- 3 important steps to support your adrenals [21:01]
- Recommendations for hormonal balance & the importance of Vitamin D! [25:33]
- How massive weight gain can be a sign of adrenal imbalance [27:41]
- Should you be taking melatonin to help with sleep? [33:36]
- How women’s hair loss might be a sign of adrenal imbalance [34:42]
- Worst and best advice Carrie has received [36:17]