
Let Life Be Easy with Author Susie Moore

Let Life Be Easy with Author Susie Moore

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Overcoming so many challenges in her life and becoming one of the most successful people in online business, Susie Moore is the epitome of grabbing life by its horns and LOVING it!

An author, dear friend, and life coach extraordinaire, Susie joins Elizabeth to share her obsession with self-help and how she sees her life as the greatest training ground for her work today, helping clients discover their purpose to live a freedom-filled, fun, approval-free life.

So “stop being realistic” and listen in for more of Susie Moore’s tips for enjoying life. Because, when you think about it, anything less is just absurd!

Episode Highlights:

  • What does wellness mean to Susie?
  • Why pain and suffering can create positive desire
  • How to have the courage to make a change
  • You are not your thoughts!
  • “There’s no credit given to me for doing everything on my own.”
  • When you focus on what you want, you become what you want

“What’s in the past is in the past. Where we are going is up to us. And we can choose at any moment. Choose again and choose again and build again and build again.”

Susie Moore

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Transcript: Episode 02: Let Life Be Easy with Author Susie Moore

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Elizabeth Rider (00:02):
Welcome to the Elizabeth Rider Show, where we talk about optimizing health, personal evolution, and defining what true wellness means to you. I’m your host, Elizabeth Rider. I’m a certified health coach, longtime blogger, and author of the Health Habit. On this podcast, we dive deep into all things health and wellbeing, from physical and mental health to spirituality, relationships, lifestyle choices, and personal growth.
Each week I bring you inspiring interviews with guests and thought leaders, as well as solo episodes where I share my own experiences and insights. My mission is to give you practical insights, inspiring stories, and transformative tools that can help you unlock your full potential and create a life you truly love.
I hope this podcast serves as a valuable resource to develop your sustainable habits, mindful living, and an overall state of health and happiness. Let’s dive in. Welcome to the Elizabeth Rider Show. I have a very special guest today, my dear friend and life coach extraordinaire, Susie Moore. Susie, welcome to the podcast,
Susie Moore (01:02):
Elizabeth. I love you. I’m thrilled to be with you. I’ll hang out with you anytime I get. Thank you for having me.
Elizabeth Rider (01:08):
Thank you for being here. So if anyone listening or watching is not familiar with Susie, she started off in a corporate. We’ll go over some of this during the podcast, but she’s a life coach and she’s a great life coach. I don’t like to knock anyone, but I will say there are some life coaches who are not getting great advice out there.
So careful with your life coaches, but Susie is such a wonderful life coach. She’s an author. She has three books. What if it does work out? Stop checking Your Likes and most recently, Let It Be Easy. I have the pleasure of Susie being one of my dearest friends, and she has such an incredible story of overcoming so many challenges in her life to becoming one of the most successful people in online business who now some of the original online business gurus are now copying some of the things Susie is doing. We’ll talk about how she got to where she is and just what an incredible thing you’ve built, Susie. I’m so proud of you.
Susie Moore (02:00):
Thank you, Elizabeth. I can’t wait to dive in. Let’s go. Anything you want to know.
Elizabeth Rider (02:04):
Well, we’re going to start with your childhood, but what I want to ask first, I ask all of my guests this, what does wellness mean to you?
Susie Moore (02:11):
As you say it, a few things come to mind, things that you should say. So being rested and being in integrity with yourself, and I mean, they’re all true, but for me, I feel the most well when I’m having fun. Yeah. When I’m having a good time. If I’m laughing, if I’m with people that I love, if I’m enjoying my day today and there’s joy in my life, then everything is well and right with me.
Elizabeth Rider (02:36):
I love that. And that’s why I don’t prep people on that question because I want to know the real answer. I don’t want to just hear, oh, if I had my kale juice this morning, then wellness is all good with me.
Susie Moore (02:48):
I did not have my kale juice this morning, by the way.
Elizabeth Rider (02:53):
That’s all right. So Susie, you’ve built a multimillion-dollar business, you’ve had so much success, and I want to start, there’s something that people don’t know about you. I think someone looks at you, they’re like, well, of course she did. She has everything going for her, but I want to start in your childhood. You’re from the UK. Tell us a little bit about what childhood was like for you.
Susie Moore (03:12):
Yes, you’re right. People are often surprised because they see my sunny disposition and maybe how I like to live my life now and it wasn’t this way. This is a very, very drastic shift from where I started, which I’m so happy to discuss because I know that where you start has nothing to do with where you are going unless you want it to. If you want it to, great.
If you want a continuation, I often say, Liz, that when a boat is going through the water, how much direction does the wake of the boat give the boat? What’s in the past is in the past. Where we are going is up to us and we can choose at any moment. Choose again, choose again, build again, build again. But when I was growing up, my father was an alcoholic and drug addict. My mother had her own struggles that she was dealing with, and it was chaos.
We were on welfare. We lived in a string of domestic violence shelters. I was always felt like the weird kid who had to hide who I was, who my family was. What a lot of people don’t know if you live in a shelter is you can’t have friends over because it’s private. The women are at risk of their husbands finding them.
It’s not what I would wish for somebody, but that was my life of growing up. Essentially, just a lot of chaos, a lot of change, no real consistency, a lot of fighting, a lot of police, a lot of moving parts. But I can tell you the way that I started out those early years, they created a big desire within me, which is why I almost always tend to somehow connect with people who’ve overcome things or in their health or in their marriages or overcoming any addictions, whatever it is because there’s almost an understanding that you have the struggles you have, the messiness, it’s okay.
Everyone experiences different struggles. There’s no hierarchy on the suffering that humans have. But I think a lot of pain and suffering can give you a big desire and you can really go one of two ways with that. You can look for excuses and look for blame and feel angry, which is also normal and healthy. And there’s a part of that too, in my path. But I really think, gosh, we are two from here. What’s possible?
And I just became obsessed with self-help so early by reading my first self-help book at 15, The Magic of Thinking Big. The essence of the book is anything’s possible written by an American author. It’s also one of the reasons I started Loving America so young, written by an American author saying, anything’s possible and there are no excuses. And so I took that as gospel. I still have. And I think it’s incredible what a human being can create when they don’t block themselves. They allow themselves to go forth and trust those desires that they have.
Elizabeth Rider (06:15):
Yeah, absolutely. And when I met Susie, I want everyone to know this, she walked into the room, she was confident, she was kind, she had this booming business. She has this great husband, she’s got this great marriage, and you just look at her and you’re like, well, she’s just had everything handed to her on a silver platter. And it’s really easy to think that. And then the more I got to know you, we had these late nights and you were telling me these stories. I think you told me once that your dad offered you weed when you were like a teenager.
Susie Moore (06:47):
Oh, yes. We’d smoke every single day after school. And do you know what, I’m really happy that we did. It’s so shocking for some people, but sometimes when I share that with people, they’re like, wow. They almost have these different experiences with different family members that they’ve grown up with.
And look, I mean, I don’t have kids. It wouldn’t be the way that I would parent if I did have kids, but hey, that was also what I was given. That was a father that I had. And it’s how we even had a relationship that was close. So, oh yes. Oh, yeah. I mean, we’re scratching the surface here [inaudible 00:07:21].
Elizabeth Rider (07:22):
There’s so many things deeper. So you said you got into realizing everything was possible early on, you had the desire early on, where did that confidence in … because you moved from the UK to Australia. Is that correct?
Susie Moore (07:37):
Yes. When I was 18.
Elizabeth Rider (07:38):
Where was the confidence to, from the desire, where was that coming from? Was that from reading? Was that from just looking around the world? Was it from people that you met? What was that from?
Susie Moore (07:49):
I’ve always thought that the world is a safe place. I feel as if the world is friendly, people want to help, it’s there to be explored. I also have this real, just, I think understanding too, that life is very temporary. We never really know what to expect. Especially when you grow up around a lot of different … When you’re in a shelter, you live with a lot of families, people coming and going, some kind of more long-standing people like we were in some shelters, but you’re exposed to a lot.
And I just remember thinking, I’m not going to be like my mother. I’ll always love and respect my parents, but this won’t be my life. And whatever the opposite is to this, I’m going to go for it. I’m going to really maximize the time that I have because this isn’t going to be my future as an adult. And so when I started absorbing more and more self-help, truly becoming obsessed, going to Australia for me just felt like a really easy decision.
I didn’t think it was a big deal. I still kind of don’t think it’s a big deal. I don’t think moving country is a big deal at all. I don’t think getting a divorce is a big deal. I just think a lot of the things that can feel really, really scary, the fear is the illusion that so much isn’t safe, that there’s danger on the other side and what can happen? But on the flip side of that, there are many blessings also that can happen, that can show up for you. And that’s just where I put my focus.
Elizabeth Rider (09:23):
And so you moving to Australia, tell us a little bit about Australia too, because that’s the other thing. I think people see you and Heath who you are this gorgeous couple, you guys have this beautiful life and I think people are like, wait, that wasn’t always the case? So what? You moved to Australia, you’re 18, you go out into the world and what happens?
Susie Moore (09:41):
So I’m 18 on a gap year. A gap here is really popular in the UK. Here, Americans don’t do them as much I don’t think. But I was going to go to Australia for a year, volunteer and then go back and then take my place. It was at Nottingham University where I was supposed to go. And then in that year my dad died. I really loved where I was.
I fell in love with a boyfriend that I had at the time and we just agreed to get married so that I could stay. And so at 19 I got married to someone who I knew for a few months. And I mean, let me tell you, we had a lot of fun. That was a very happy period in my life. Often we look back at, let me just say something about this because this has come up in a couple of conversations recently, sometimes we think that there’s one true love or true love means one person or it means forever.
Life can give you many loves. And you can treasure each one. Yes. And the way that I think about true love, it’s not something that lasts forever or that’s perfect, but it just means that having the courage to love truly. And that can happen more than once if you’re brave. And so I got married, got divorced, that marriage didn’t work out. He had an addiction issue.
And look, I wasn’t perfect. I was growing up and I just decided to stay. I already had a life there. I started working young, I started saving money. I bought my first apartment when I was 25. And I just remember thinking, where to next? I always wanted to come to America. Eight months after leaving my husband, I met Heath and not long, a couple of years after being together, we had the opportunity to come here.
And of course you say yes to life. Saying yes to life. One thing that I love to joke about or repeat, because to me it’s true, is the statement under think it, under think it. Feel it. Don’t trust what you’re thinking all the time. There are too many thoughts. Feels good? Go. So long as you are not hurting anybody. I’m not saying go for it, steal, whatever feels good and fun.
But if you are doing something that’s right for you, it’s for the highest good of you and as far as you can tell anyone else involved, then maybe think a little less. Thinking can be the enemy. I think we can trust our hearts a bit more.
Elizabeth Rider (11:59):
Yes. Susie, you have a membership, life coaching membership to teach people, essentially to coach themselves. You made a lot of big changes early on, you moved to a different country, you married and divorced, you did all of these things that really worked out for you.
If somebody is in a moment in their life and they’re struggling to make a decision, how do you teach your clients to have the courage to take action, to move past that fear? If someone feels stuck, like I’m scared, I do feel like there’s something better on the other side, whether it’s moving or career or relationship or something, but they’re just so, we want what we know. We trust what we know. And there’s something on the other side that we just can’t see it. We can’t see it because we’ve never experienced it. How do you help people have the courage to make that change?
Susie Moore (12:51):
First of all, I think we really lose our perspective as to why we’re all here. We’re not just here to get through the week, to cook dinner, to have some gossip, to watch Netflix. I love all the things. I mean, I love dinner, love gossip, love Netflix, love it all, right? But that’s not what we’re doing here. I’m very aware of why we’re all here, at least in my interpretation.
And it’s to enjoy ourselves, to maximize our life experience, to make the contribution that we want to make. And when we are, I think so myopic in how we are thinking, it’s just today or we think that our job or our industry is everything, it’s not. There are endless industries, endless roles that you could fulfill, endless places to live, endless communities to be part of. I think everything just feels a lot less threatening.
Things can feel scary when it’s like, but this is the person I have to be with, or this is the field I need to pursue success in, or this is what I have to do because I have to please that person. I think when we zoom out a bit and we realize the temporary nature of it all, frankly take it a little bit less seriously and put ourselves in more of an honest place.
Because when you come back to a place of perspective, and often it can be helpful to even look at other times in your past when you struggled with a decision or struggled with something hard, it’s great to revisit the fact that you are already strong. You’ve already survived a few things. You’ve already probably been uprooted, or life has shocked you, or the rug has been pulled. You’ve already survived all of your worst days.
You are here. You’re a capable being. First of all, perspective. So I think just that grounding makes everything feel … you’re taking a breath into reality, coming back to the truth. And then secondly, I love a good old option review. What are your options? When we feel stuck, we think that there are often just two decisions, right? Like stay or leave or say yes or no. But there’s a whole lot in between. There are often a lot more options.
I love to say, and then what or what else, what else is a possibility? When we’re afraid the creative center of our brain shuts down. We can’t make decisions clearly. We’re just operating from stress. So if someone’s scared, I want to bring them back to the truth. Relax a little bit, take some breaths. Remember that we’re here for a good time, not a long time.
And no one knows how long that time is. Nobody knows. The purpose of your life is to enjoy it. And then to assess if there’s a specific situation, what are my options? And then to make a decision from more of a feeling place than a, let me think of the seven things that could go wrong and what did my mother say once about this, et cetera, et cetera. I think that we’re really capable of creating great lives. And when we come back to that truth and we review what lays before us, it’s richer than we realize.
Elizabeth Rider (15:44):
That just reminded me, I think it’s Buddha, there’s some quote I cannot remember. So if somebody remembers, DM me or put it in the comments underneath that says, we all in truth think that we have more time than we do. People say, oh, well, I’ll start that hobby, or I’ll connect with that person, or I’ll do that later. We push things off and we all think that we have more time than we do.
And not to say that, to make people feel scared. That shouldn’t make you feel scared. It should just make you feel, in my opinion, inspired to do the things that you want to do because life is temporary. And so we cannot control what happens to us. We can control how we react to it.
Susie Moore (16:24):
When you think about the real consequence of our decisions or the consequence of going this way or that way, I mean even tattoos are reversible. Think about the agony that goes into our decisions big and small in a lot of cases, whereas there’s always another path, another opportunity.
And again, we can just look to our lives for proof. I’d always say, look to your own history. Haven’t you dealt with something like this before? Or haven’t you ever felt scared before? Or haven’t you felt like you were in an impossible situation like you were stuck somewhere before? We’re stronger and far more capable and competent than I think we realize.
Elizabeth Rider (17:02):
How would you help someone, Susie, who feels like they are living with regret, maybe regret over a decision? Or what is regret? Is it just wishing that we had made a different decision? Or how would you help somebody get over that?
Susie Moore (17:15):
Regret’s just a thought really, isn’t it? When you think about it, what is it? If there are two people who went through the same experience, one feels good about it, one feels regret about it, even if the situation is identical, one is in peace and one is suffering. So we also need to give ourselves grace that we did the very best we could.
Often, I think, oh gosh, if a few years ago I would’ve done this, or I wish I started with that earlier, or, well, I didn’t know that, right? And May Angelou said, she said, “When you know better, you do better.” We just don’t know. My mom shares with me a lot her regrets and how she wished she married her first Polish love and her life would’ve been easier, but she couldn’t.
She was not capable at that time of being vulnerable, of loving somebody. It wasn’t available. So when we are looking with regret, we’re looking with a very faulty lens. The lens of the now is not the lens that we had then. And then regret’s just a thought that’s on loop. It’s like, I didn’t do good enough. There was something available. We don’t even know that.
Elizabeth Rider (18:21):
And how do you help people understand that, because this has been challenging for me, that I am not my thoughts, we are so wrapped into thinking that I am my thoughts. We have this one thought, and then we stick to it and this has to be it. And we can shift a thought, we can change a thought. But we become so overwhelmed with believing that we are our thoughts. How do you help people realize that they are not their thoughts?
Susie Moore (18:49):
Interestingly, the only time this needs to happen is when we feel bad. Because when we feel good, we don’t need to look at our thoughts. Our thoughts are on track. But when we feel heavy, when we feel jealous, when we feel feelings of regret, when we feel resentment, when we feel these negative, less attractive emotions, I always think it’s like this gorgeous realtime feedback symbol, thought upgrade required, signal coming to my brain where it’s like, if I feel bad, if I don’t feel good, if it’s longer than just a fleeting moment, I know that I’m just thinking something that isn’t true.
So I always think if something makes you feel bad for a long period, or even a short period, it’s probably a lie. There is a lie that you are believing. And it’s wonderful to just play around with that. So even small things like, I shouldn’t be late. I shouldn’t be in this situation where I’m being held up. Are you? Who knows? You may be being protected from an accident down the road.
Maybe this is perfect timing for you. We hear these stories all the time. Or if someone’s wronged you, if you ever been betrayed by somebody it hurts. I think betrayal is a very, very painful thing. But if you’ve ever been betrayed, you get really wise. The way that you trust becomes different. I think it can even open up compassion with a certain amount of time.
If here’s no experiences like that, then it’s almost like how do we even know ourselves? So I think if something’s making me feel bad, maybe I just need to sit with it, allow it, but then realize, it’s like the Albert Einstein quote, the most important decision you’ll ever make is if you live in a friendly or hostile universe. I believe the universe is really friendly.
And if something’s happening to me that’s unwanted, one of two things will happen. There will be a gift at the end. So some wisdom that’s hard-earned, but that’s really priceless to take forward, or the situation will just end because suffering doesn’t last forever. So the situation will end or there’ll be a gift somehow. So losing my father age 19, a lot of people have their dads still. So I’m 39. So 20 years ago, my friends who are older than me have their dads.
I’m always secretly a little bit jealous. I mean, I want them to have their dads, but it’s human. Then I think the life that I’ve had is the greatest training ground for my work. And I can understand people, and that’s the gift. Like, my mom sometimes says, I’m sorry for how it was and it was so difficult.
And I’m like, I have the best training to do the work I do now. I’m not sure I could even do my work with such conviction without having experienced different sides of it all, different sides of different living experiences. So what a gift? There’s only love and grace that I have for me, my family, looking back. I don’t even look back. I’m just happy that I’m no longer there, but I know that it was necessary for me because the universe is a friendly one.
Elizabeth Rider (22:03):
Yes. Oh, that’s so beautiful. So for those of you listening Susie’s book, Let It Be Easy, is such a brilliant book, a collection of short chapters. So especially if you just like to read a little something before you go to bed. But Sue, the one that really sticks out to me for some reason, this is shifting gears a little bit, I think about it all the time, it’s one of the reasons I’m in a podcast studio right now because we’re in a rental house and I was like, if I try to do this myself and makeshift this myself, I’m going to end up spending more time and more money. Will you tell us, it’s in your book, it’s just one of the short lessons about, I think it’s a sheep and the sharing?
Susie Moore (22:36):
Oh, yes. Oh, I love this story. This is actually an Esop fable. So Esop wrote the Boy Who Cried Wolf, the Fox and The Grapes of the Sour Grapes story, the Tortoise And The Hair, these are all fables that were written two and a half thousand years ago. This is incredible. And I remember Abraham Lincoln said that he had the Bible and Esop’s fables next to his bed to guide him.
So I love tapping into ancient wisdom. And one of my fables is not a very well-known one, but it’s about the woman and her sheep. And she was a woman who didn’t have much. She was going to take the sheep to be sheered. I’m wondering if I’m saying it right. Sheep sheared. So she was taking the sheep to be sheared, but she wanted to save money because she didn’t have much.
And she was like, I can do this myself. So she went to shear her sheep herself and cut him and he bled and he bled all over his wool. And the sheep said to her, in fables they speak, the animals speak, he said to her, please take me to the shearer or take me to the butcher, because now you have nothing. And the moral of the story is the smallest outlay isn’t always the greatest gain.
So you think, oh, well, I won’t spend on that, or I’ll hold back and look, it’s great to save. I love to save. But think about it, are you nickel and dimming everything? A friend of mine was like, I took this weird connecting flight that took me 18 hours to get to my vacation. I was more stressed out by it. I’m like, just get the direct flight. You’ve earned this. I love how you’re setting this up. You’re setting yourself up for success. The smallest outlay, is it always the greatest gain? I don’t know. We’re allowed to have shortcuts. We’re allowed to be supported. It pays off in so many ways.
Elizabeth Rider (24:25):
So what you just said, we’re allowed to be supported, I think in this time for both men and women, but as a woman myself, and thinking of my female friends especially that have children, we are so in a time where we feel like we have to do everything ourselves. Because this is the first time in human history, especially when it’s really common to move away from the nest and move to a different city.
Even one generation ago, it might have been a little common to move to a different city, but two generations ago, very few people left the town or where they grew up, and now it’s common to go to university somewhere else or like what you did, move to Australia or to move. And we’re moving further and further away from that support system. So people feel like, wow, I have to do all of this myself. And we’ve gotten farther and farther away from our community. So that lesson of like, hey, it’s okay to ask for support and to get support is really, really important
Susie Moore (25:16):
And pay for it. I mean, I always think to myself, there’s no credit given to me for doing everything on my own there. Wait, where’s my medal? In the mail? Lost in the mail for a very long time. There is no credit given to us for doing everything on our own, for suffering through it. And even a friend of mine, he’s young, he’s in New York, he’s on a budget. I was like, look, if I were you, I would maybe cut one night out a week going out and then have some support at home because he works a lot. There’s just a lot to manage. And I was like, maybe there’s something that you could work out. Even if you don’t think you can in that moment, sometimes you can. There are ways that we can set our lives up that just allow us to just be held.
Elizabeth Rider (25:56):
Yes, for sure.
Susie Moore (25:57):
It matters.
Elizabeth Rider (25:58):
I want to continue the story for everyone. So, you and Heath, when you have this opportunity to move to America, you guys move to America, you go to New York and what happens in New York?
Susie Moore (26:10):
So I arrive in New York and I have no college degree because I skipped that part of my life. It wasn’t my plan, but it’s how it worked out. And well, I actually worked for a British company in Australia, but they had no American presence. And one thing about the US is the US doesn’t, or a lot of companies here don’t really know or are interested in foreign companies. So it’s like they know the American companies naturally.
And so I was like, hmm, I have to get a job and I don’t know anybody. I don’t have any connections. I don’t have a college degree, and it’s 2009. So I mean, everyone was worried. Everyone apart from me actually was worried. I just knew it was going to be great. And so Heath started working immediately late and we had this tiny apartment.
It was snowing. I came from Australia. I had ballet flats in the snow, Liz. Silk ballet flats. I had no idea what was going on. We had no wifi, we didn’t have a TV for ages. And I was just on my own with no friends in the freezing cold, not having a job, not having an income. I was on my savings. And so I did what any self-reliant human would do, and I just reviewed my options.
I was on LinkedIn like a maniac. Who do I know who knows somebody? Even though I didn’t have an American company, any American company experience, I work with American clients. Like Expedia was a client of mine, LinkedIn, who was a client of mine in the Asia-Pacific market. So I went straight to them, told them how much I knew and loved their brands, told them how I knew exactly what their business was and how I could bring this international intelligence to their teams, et cetera, et cetera.
Relentless, took meetings, got the snow boots, went all over the city, slipping on my high heels outside the corporate building so I’d look good going in. I mean all the things. Hustle. Hustle. And it was amazing. I was offered two great jobs. I took the highest paying one and then worked in the tech sector. I worked for a company left, worked for another company that recruited me. And I mean, I was making half a million dollars at the age of 30.
And I was thrilled traveling to San Francisco, traveling to dc, doing my thing, selling programmatic video software. I thought it was fantastic. And then when I turned 30, I just knew that having a lot of perks in my job and a nice income was really nice, but it wasn’t enough. I knew I wanted to work for myself. I thought, gosh, if anything happens to me, I haven’t created my life’s work.
I mean, I’m happy. I’m very grateful because I also support my mom financially. So I always thought, oh my gosh, if I take a risk, it has to be a really calculated one. I have to really start my business slowly. And so I started it as a side hustle, as a life coach, working evenings, working weekends and 18 months after starting and then getting a lot of media coverage fright rom the get-go before I even had a website, just going for it, going straight to huge audiences, I was in a position to leave.
And I thought the worst thing that can happen is that I give my business a full swing of the bat. I give it a year. I don’t like it. No one hires me. I fail. And then I’ll just end up in another cubicle doing the exact same thing just with a different logo behind me. So I thought, I’m already living my worst case scenario in this job so I can get another job like this in the year if I need one, but I don’t know when I’ll have, frankly, the bravery to go out and do this again.
And having a very supportive husband who just encouraged me was of course very helpful, but I mean that was probably the most scary thing, looking back at all the things you go through, that was my own decision and I felt so guilty. I just thought it was reckless because I’ve always been the breadwinner too. But that’s one of my proudest moments, definitely, because nothing’s guaranteed, but we can really create our lives consciously and it doesn’t work the way that we think it will. I really think that if there’s a desire, that there is a plan in place.
Elizabeth Rider (30:21):
Oh, I love that. That’s beautiful. And I’ll just fast-forward everyone through, Susie has become one of the most successful online businesses I know teaching people how to get into the media. We don’t have a ton of time for that. So we’ll put all of her links in this podcast in the show notes below, because Susie actually is not only a dear friend of mine, she helped me meet … be in the right rooms and meet the right people to be featured on Good Morning America and Entrepreneur and all these different amazing media outlets because media outlets are, if you are in the online business world or you own your own business, they’re looking for content.
You just have to know how to pitch it correctly. So Sues, I’m so proud of you. I love watching what you do, and I just think we went to, my fiance and I went to dinner with Susie and Heath a few, was that last month or two months ago? It was the first time they ever met in person.
Susie Moore (31:12):
In February.
Elizabeth Rider (31:14):
February. And when we left, M goes, “She is the most positive person I have ever met, but not in an annoying way.” And I just burst out laughing. I was like, “Wow, that is so true,” because some people are fake positive and it can become very annoying, but there’s no fakeness about your positivity and I really enjoy that Sues. I really enjoy it.
Susie Moore (31:38):
Oh, thank you. Thank you. Someone else says something like that to me once she’s like, ugh, your feed is just good vibes and stuff, but it doesn’t bother me for some reason.
Elizabeth Rider (31:47):
Yeah, totally.
Susie Moore (31:47):
Why thank you. Why thank you. What a compliment.
Elizabeth Rider (31:50):
So Sues, I ask all of my guests, we’ll end with this for what is one of the best, the best or one of the best pieces of advice you’ve ever received, or/and what is the worst advice you’ve ever received? You can start with the worst if you want to.
Susie Moore (32:06):
Oh, the worst is be realistic. I hate that word. Who defined it? Said who? Ask seven different people all over the world what realistic is, you’ll never arrive at the same answer. What is realistic? That is the worst advice. If anyone tells you to be realistic, run. Run and jump. Go, leave, run. Realistic, I hate, hate, hate this word. It’s just so oppressive.
And Oh, simple, but very effective, it’s obvious, but easily overlooked is to focus on what you want. Focus on what you want. We focus so much on what’s unwanted. I don’t want to gain weight. I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want to be bored. I don’t want to be left out. I don’t want, I don’t want, I don’t want, and that’s our default setting as humans. 80% of our thoughts are negative automatically because of our bias.
But if you just flip it, what is it you want? What do you want to feel? What do you want? What a great question. Often I love to ask people, what do you want? Often we don’t even know just off the top of our heads like that, because we are too busy avoiding the things that we don’t want and just trying to skate by or trying to just not get in trouble over here or make it through to Friday. What do you want? What do you dream about? Are you thinking about it? Is it on your mind? Is it in your energy? And when you start focusing on what you want, you start becoming what you want.
Elizabeth Rider (33:37):
Yes, absolutely.
Susie Moore (33:39):
And just focus on what you want is probably the best shortest yes sentence to offer.
Elizabeth Rider (33:44):
Focus on what you want and do not add and be realistic to the end of it.
Susie Moore (33:50):
Oh, lordy. I’ll come to your house. I’ll come to your house and sort you out.=
Elizabeth Rider (33:55):
Yes, you will. Sues, thank you for being here. We will link everything in the show notes for everyone to find Susie, but can you just let us know really quickly, Sues, where they can find you online and maybe on Instagram or where the best place to go to find you?
Susie Moore (34:08):
Yes. Well, as podcast listeners, I recommend checking out the Let It Be Easy podcast. It’s daily, five minutes for ongoing encouragement, and then I would just head on over to for lots of free confidence resources.
Elizabeth Rider (34:21):
Amazing. Susie, I love you. I’ll talk to you soon.
Susie Moore (34:23):
I love you.
Elizabeth Rider (34:24):
Thanks for being here. Bye. Thank you so much for joining me on today’s episode of the Elizabeth Rider Show. I hope you caught something today that helped you uplevel your mind, body, and/or health. If you want more episodes, insider notes, recipes and resources, then make sure to subscribe to my weekly newsletter over at Or simply go to the website and hit the subscribe button and enter your email address.
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