
Longer, Thicker Eyelashes without Extensions

Elizabeth Rider natural eyelashes

Let’s get into the details of naturally making your eyelashes longer and thicker, without eyelash extensions.

Because, my friends, I think the beauty industry is having a fake eyelashes epidemic.

We all want naturally longer eyelashes without harmful chemicals. If you’ve tried everything to grow out your lashes, I feel you. It’s frustrating when you don’t see results—or worse—when you lose lashes trying out every unverified trick out there.

First, you should know that I had eyelash extensions once, and I’ll never do it again for the reasons in this post.

However, I did love the look of them, so over the last few years, I’ve been in search of more natural ways to grow longer, thicker eyelashes. Then over the last few months, I’ve had a ton of questions on my Instagram Stories asking if my eyelashes are real (they are!) and when I polled the viewers all about writing this post, 97% of you said that yes, you want to learn how to grow longer, thicker eyelashes too!

How to Grow Thicker, Longer Eyelashes Naturally

Let’s back up because you may wonder why we want longer, thicker lashes in the first place. Don’t worry, it’s not shallow vanity. It’s just part of our biology, and it’s a completely normal thing to want.

Most female animal species are darker around the eyes and have more color in the lips—it’s a primitive way the species distinguish between male and female for mating purposes.

Humans are no different. When looking for female mates, humans are attracted to the darkening around the eyes and deeper-hued lips. This is why if most women could have two beauty products on hand, they would be mascara and lipgloss. Betcha didn’t ever know why those are your go-to’s. Now you know.

7 Tips for Longer, Thicker Eyelashes without Extensions

1. Consistently take a high-quality multivitamin and/or Armra Colostrum.

This is the #1 thing you can do to help your eyelashes grow longer and thicker.

It sounds so simple, but it’s true. Your eyelashes are hair, and the more you can support your hair the longer and thicker your eyelashes will grow. A high-quality multivitamin is one of the easiest things you can do for this. A well-rounded whole-food eating plan helps, but consistently taking a high-quality multivitamin allows your body to have enough nutrients to support critical systems and have enough left over to maintain your hair, skin, and nails.

But remember, supplements don’t work if you don’t take them. Simply buying the bottle doesn’t help, and looking at it every day on the counter doesn’t help either. Opening the bottle and taking the supplement helps.

Extra Boost to Make Your Hair & Eyelashes Grow VERY Quickly:

(2024 update) Also, add Armra Colostrum to your daily supplement routine. I take a daily multivitamin and added Armra Colostrum to my daily routine, and I can’t believe how fast my hair is growing and how much NEW hair it is growing (watch the video below for more). Armra is excellent for your gut health and has over 150 bioactive nutrients. The hair benefits are just a bonus, but it’s, they’re great 😉

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Armra Colostrum is a natural superfood produced by all mammals in the first 48-72 hours after giving birth, and is the first nutrition we all receive in life; containing all the essential nutrients our bodies need to thrive. For 300 million years it has served the vital function of protecting and strengthening the mucosal barriers in infants before their own barrier matures. Colostrum has been called “liquid gold” because it acts as an immune blueprint with unparalleled health benefits.

To date, there are over 5,000 published studies documenting the benefits of colostrum for optimizing health for both men and women at all ages.

2. Eat more protein.

Consume 25-30 grams of protein every morning. Eating more protein with help your eyelashes naturally grow longer.

Since your eyelashes are hair, consuming high-quality protein is essential for keeping them healthy and strong. Here are some excellent sources of high-quality protein to include in your diet:

  • Eggs: Packed with protein and essential amino acids that promote hair health.
  • Lean Meats: Chicken, turkey, and lean cuts of beef provide a rich source of protein.
  • Fish: Salmon, tuna, and other fatty fish are loaded with protein and omega-3 fatty acids that support hair growth.
  • Greek Yogurt: A protein-rich dairy option that also provides beneficial probiotics.
  • Quinoa: A plant-based protein that contains all nine essential amino acids.
  • Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are excellent plant-based protein sources.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds offer protein along with healthy fats.
  • Cottage Cheese: Another dairy option rich in protein, perfect for snacking.
  • Tofu and Tempeh: High-quality plant-based proteins ideal for vegetarians and vegans.
  • Milk: A simple and accessible source of protein, especially if you prefer dairy.

Including these foods in your diet can help support the health and growth of your eyelashes.

3. Use a lash serum (but make sure it’s safe).

The first two tips here cover what you can do from the inside out. Now let’s talk about what you can do topically. The #1 topical thing you can do to grow longer, thicker lashes is to use a good lash serum. But some are harmful, so let’s talk about that.

Lash serums have taken the world by storm in the last few years because they work! Latisse was the first but it’s a pharmaceutical and the ingredients are absorbed into your bloodstream and need to be processed by your liver, so I don’t recommend it. Plus, it can change the color of your eyes!

Newer over-the-counter lash serums are mostly peptides and vitamins to strengthen your lashes allowing them to grow longer. Most of them say to use it every night, but I find once I use it for two weeks, five nights a week, I can use it just twice per week to maintain long lashes.

Here are the top lash products I recommend for you:

TIP: I think we should avoid lash serums with synthetic prostaglandin analogs like those found in Latisse, because they can cause significant side effects. These side effects may include darkening of the eyelid skin, changes in iris color, eye irritation, and even potential long-term issues like thinning of the eyelid skin or changes in lash texture. While they can promote lash growth, the risks often outweigh the benefits, especially when safer, more natural alternatives are available.

Here are some safer, more natural ingredients to prostaglandin analogs in lash serums:

  1. Castor Oil: A natural oil rich in fatty acids that can help nourish and strengthen lashes, promoting growth. Olive oil also works in a similar way, but castor oil has always been the top choice for a natural alternative to lash serums. If you want to avoid a lash serum and go 100% natural, use this castor oil and apply it with a clean spoolie or cotton swab every night (this always works for eyebrows, too!).
  2. Peptides: These amino acid chains support hair growth by strengthening the lash follicles.
  3. Biotin (Vitamin B7): Known for supporting healthy hair, biotin can help improve lash strength and growth.
  4. Aloe Vera: A soothing and moisturizing ingredient that can help condition lashes and promote a healthier growth environment.
  5. Vitamin E: An antioxidant that nourishes and protects lashes, helping to prevent breakage and promote growth.
  6. Coconut Oil: A hydrating oil that can protect lashes from damage and support their growth.
  7. Green Tea Extract: Rich in antioxidants, it can help strengthen lashes and support healthy growth.

Simply doing #1 thru #3 on this list for 4-6 weeks will give you great results. Remember, your eyelashes are hair. The same things that help your hair grow will help your eyelashes grow, too.

4. Don’t get lash extensions.

This might seem counterintuitive at first, but again, eyelash extensions tend to take your natural lashes with them as they fall out. This leaves you with stubby little lashes, so the vicious cycle of wanting extensions will continue.

Sometimes eyelash extensions look great. However—and I know some people are going to be mad at me for saying this—a lot of them don’t look that great.

They are way too overdone and completely unnatural-looking. A giant full set of long black falsies looks great in a formal dress but looks really out of place on a Sunday supermarket run. This, of course, is my own opinion. I don’t want women to think that they need to have eyelash extensions to be beautiful, or that you have to get them because it’s a popular beauty trend.

Plus, the maintenance and cost! Good grief, $150-$300, and two hours twice a month equates to a good car payment and half a day’s worth of work every month.

Aside from the maintenance, cost, and toxic glue, the biggest reason eyelash extensions are unhealthy is that they pull your natural eyelashes out at the hair follicle as they fall out. Your eyelashes are important to your eye health, so try to let them breathe a little and grow back in.

5. If you use falsies, use the individual false lashes, not strips.

Just because you don’t use extensions doesn’t mean you can’t use falsies sometimes to get that big lash look. If you want to use falsies for special events, don’t use strips of falsies because they pull out your natural lashes, too, when you take them off.

If you want the falsie look, use the individual falsie lashes because they’re less likely to pull out your own eyelashes when you remove them. My makeup artist uses individual ones with three lashes each on me when filming my TV show to fill in gaps for the camera. About 2-3 per eye really goes a long way. I don’t do this every single time I film and leave it up to the makeup artist; if she thinks the mascara looks uneven she’ll fill them.

6. Gently curl your natural lashes.

This last tip doesn’t make them grow, but it will make your natural lashes look longer and thicker.

First a word of caution, never put a hot eyelash curler next to your eye and always test it on your wrist first. Use common sense and be smart. To make your own natural lashes really pop, gently heat an eyelash curler with your blow dryer then curl your lashes. Again, be uber careful to use a warm (not hot) setting and don’t burn yourself.

Start with a clean eyelash curler that doesn’t have any residual mascara on it. Heat it for about 5-10 seconds with your blow dryer, test it to make sure it’s not too hot, then use it to curl your eyelashes. Boom! Instant lift.

This is the eyelash curler I use.

7. Eye Makeup Removal Should Be Gentle

When removing mascara or other eye makeup, be sure to cleanse your eyelashes gently to avoid pulling them out. I usually use a cream cleanser to remove to gently massage my eyelashes with my eyes closed, then use a cotton washcloth to wipe them off very gently.

And if you do ever get extensions, NEVER rip them off! You’ll take your natural eyelashes right with them. Ask the place you got them how to safely remove them.

How to Get Better Eyelashes FAQ:

Can you naturally make your eyelashes thicker? Yes, nourishing your lashes with oils like castor oil and ensuring a balanced diet can help naturally thicken them over time.

Does Vaseline thicken eyelashes? Vaseline doesn’t thicken eyelashes but can moisturize and condition them, which might make them appear fuller.

What causes thick eyelashes? Genetics, proper care, and sometimes hormonal changes can cause naturally thick eyelashes.

How can I make my eyelashes fluffy naturally? Using a clean mascara wand to brush your lashes daily and applying a light coat of nourishing oil can help make them fluffy.

Why are my eyelashes suddenly thicker? Sudden thickening of eyelashes can be due to hormonal changes, improved diet, or using a new lash care product.

Do eyelashes get thicker with age? Generally, eyelashes don’t get thicker with age; they often thin out over time.

Can eyelashes get thicker naturally? Yes, with proper care, such as using serums and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eyelashes can get thicker naturally.

How do I stop my eyelashes from thinning? To stop your eyelashes from thinning, avoid harsh makeup removers, use gentle products, and consider using a serum formulated for eyelashes to strengthen them.

How can I thicken my eyelashes? You can thicken your eyelashes by applying lash serums, using natural oils like castor oil, and avoiding practices that cause damage, like excessive rubbing.

What actually grows eyelashes? Serums containing ingredients like peptides and biotin, as well as maintaining a healthy diet, can actually promote eyelash growth.

What is the best eyelash thickener? The best eyelash thickener is a quality lash serum with proven ingredients like peptides and biotin.

How to make eyelashes fluffier? To make eyelashes fluffier, regularly brush them with a clean mascara wand and apply a lightweight lash primer before mascara.

What makes my eyelashes thin as I age? Aging, hormonal changes, decreased natural oil production, slower cell turnover, and certain medications like chemotherapy drugs, antihistamines, and some antidepressants can lead to thinner, more brittle eyelashes.

The Best Mascara for Beautiful Eyelashes

I left this out of the tips above because this doesn’t really help your lashes grow or look better naturally, but of course, a good mascara really help make your eyelashes look thicker, darker and longer.

  1. This Legendary Lashes mascara is my #1 mascara of all time. In my opinion, it’s the best mascara you can use to get big, fluffy, black lashes. I always go back to it.
  2. YSL Lash Clash is a close second. It’s great for length, fullness, and definition, and Tarte is a more natural brand that doesn’t test on animals.

There you have it. A few easy, simple solutions for longer, thicker eyelashes without the cost and time of extensions.

What do you think? I’d love your take on this in the comments below.

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