
Needles No More – Our Real Results

Thank you Dr. Brandt for sponsoring today’s post. And thank you especially for the 25% off code to share with our community! Use code LIY25 to save 25%! While we did receive payment to participate in the testing process of these products, all opinions and results are our own.

Any other ladies out there feeling like their skin all the sudden is showing its age – but not sure taking the Botox train is right for you? Steph here [I’m the one testing the No More Baggage – Eye Cream below!]. I’m trying my best to age as naturally as I can. I stopped dying my hair years ago and am trying my best to embrace the sparkly little strands that glimmer in the sunlight as my own person party streamers… but SHEESH, a girl needs some help sometimes! Enter Dr. Brandt Needles No More products!

[[NOTE: I know not everyone has the same feelings about aging as I do, and that’s okay! If you are curious about Botox, read about Erin’s experience]]

When Dr. Brandt reached out about working together after seeing their products organically shared on Facebook, Hannah and I couldn’t volunteer fast enough! We both stopped using any sort of tightening products for a few months so we could gain an idea of the true results. Since Dr. Brandt products have clinical claims for 15 minute, 2 week and 4 week results, we’ll be updating this post with fresh photos at each of those intervals after using the products daily. The photos you see below are natural light, facial makeup free and unedited. Any color difference you see in the pictures is due to the morning sunlight changing as time elapsed. Be sure to check back for our updates to see the products continue to work their magic!

15 Minute Results

Wrinkle Smoothing Cream – use code LIY25 for 25% off

This Wrinkle Smoothing Cream is incredible!! The minute I applied it between my brows, forehead and crows feet I could feel this slight tingling sensation that it was working! After 15 minutes I could notice a difference in the visibility in lines between my brows and forehead. This is an area I struggle with, personally, so this bottle of magic is working wonders! Even my husband noticed a difference!

15 Minute Results

No More Baggage – Eye Cream – use code LIY25 for 25% off

Posting no makeup photos for all the internet to see isn’t necessarily something I thought I’d ever really be loving, but when the product is this good – it needs to be shared! On a fresh face, I apply the No More Baggage eye cream directly under my eyes and immediately start to feel the slight tingle of it working. It’s not at all a painful or burning tingling, just a “hey, I’m at work here tightening this up so it looks like you sleep” feeling. After 15 minutes, I had a noticeable improvement to the puffiness of my under eye area, and throughout the day feel that skin continues to feel more tight than it previously did. Again, it’s not painful, just like it’s back where it belongs from my youth.

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