
Perfect Air Fryer Baked Potatoes (The Science)

Air Fryer Baked Potatoes

I can’t believe it’s taken me 10 years of blogging to learn that the very best baked potatoes are air fryer baked potatoes. Here’s how to make them with just a few simple steps!

Today, I’m spilling my secret to getting the best-baked potatoes ever.

What are the benefits of baking potatoes in an air fryer? The benefits of baking potatoes in an air fryer are a delicious crispy-soft texture and a faster cook time.

The Science Behind Potatoes in the Air Fryer

Potatoes cook faster in an air fryer because it uses convection heat, which circulates hot air around the food, cooking it evenly and quickly. This method allows the heat to penetrate the potato more efficiently, reducing cooking time to 30-40 minutes compared to an hour in a regular oven.

The Science: Convection cooking ensures even heat distribution, allowing the Maillard reaction to occur more rapidly. This reaction gives baked potatoes their crispy skin and tender interior. Additionally, the reduced cooking time helps retain more nutrients.

Don’t have an air fryer?

By the way, an air fryer is just a small convection oven. You don’t need to buy an air fryer if you have a convection setting on your oven. You can make “air fryer baked potatoes” with the convection setting on your oven or in a microwave (I explain both below).

Buying an air fryer is worth considering if your oven doesn’t have a convection setting. Air fryers also use less energy by heating a smaller space and maintaining a consistent temperature. This results in perfect, fluffy baked potatoes without heating your entire kitchen.

How to Make Air Fryer Baked Potatoes

All you need for this recipe is some potatoes and your preferred toppings.

  1. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil over the potatoes.
  2. Sprinkle salt and black pepper on top.
  3. Air fry the potatoes at 400°F for 30-40 minutes, adjusting time for larger potatoes.

Topping Suggestions:

  • Butter (I like grass-fed butter) with salt and pepper
  • Sour cream (or substitute plain Greek yogurt)
  • Shredded cheese (cheddar cheese is a classic, but use what you love)
  • Chives
  • Bacon bits
  • Salsa
  • Guacamole
  • Steamed or roasted broccoli
  • Vegetarian Chili or Beef Chili
  • Crumbled feta cheese
  • Fresh chopped herbs (parsley, cilantro)
  • Garlic butter or a sprinkle of garlic powder

How long does it take to bake a potato in an air fryer? It takes between 30-40 minutes to bake a potato in an air fryer. The cooking time will be longer if you use a large potato.

Air Fryer Potatoes in a Pan

Tips for Choosing Potatoes

I use russet potatoes (also called Idaho potatoes) in this recipe. They are the classic brown-skinned potatoes with firm, white flesh. The potatoes’ nutrient-dense skin is thick, making them perfect for getting those crispy potato skins in the air fryer.

I’ve heard of people trying air fryer sweet potatoes, red potatoes, or Yukon gold potatoes as well, but I’d say russet potatoes are the best choice for cooking this way.

Potato skins contain potassium, vitamin C, calcium, and good carbohydrates like fiber. Plus, a baked potato is gluten-free.

When buying potatoes, look for firm potatoes with as few blemishes as possible. Bruises, cuts, soft ends, wrinkles — and those spouts — are all signs the potato is past its prime.

Also, pick organic or grown potatoes using organic methods if possible. Potatoes are on the Dirty Dozen list, which means they are among the 12 foods grown with the most pesticides. You can read more about the Dirty Dozen here.

Air Fryer Baked Potatoes

How to Cook Potatoes in the Air Fryer

Just follow these simple steps for perfect air fryer potatoes every time! The complete air fryer baked potato recipe is in the recipe card below.

  • PREHEAT YOUR AIR FRYER: Preheat your air fryer (or convection oven) to 400° F (204°C). Preheating your air fryer ensures that your potatoes will cook evenly.
  • PREP THE POTATOES: First, scrub the potatoes well and pat them dry with a kitchen towel or paper towel. Make sure they are dry. Then, poke them a few times with a fork to create small holes across their surface. This will prevent them from exploding in the air fryer.
  • SEASON THE POTATOES: Next, rub them with olive or avocado oil and sprinkle them with kosher salt (or sea salt, if you prefer). The oil helps make the skin a little crisy, but you can also skip this step.
  • COOK THE POTATOES: Transfer the potatoes to the basket of an air fryer and cook at 400° F. You’ll want to cook until the outsides are crispy and the insides are easily pierced by a fork. This should take about 30-40 minutes, depending on the size of your potatoes.

No Air Fryer? Use a Microwave

If you don’t have an air fryer, you can cook your potatoes in a microwave.

To make baked potatoes in the microwave, clean them, pierce them with a fork a few times, then microwave potatoes on high for 5-7 minutes, turning halfway through if your microwave doesn’t have a turn table. If you want to crisp up the outsides, finish by crisping the skin under a broiler or in a hot oven for a few minutes.

Perfect Air Fryer Baked Potatoes (The Science)

Transfer the potatoes to a platter or individual plates when they are cool enough to handle.

Next, slice them open, fluff up their insides with a fork, and top them with your favorite fixings.

How to Store Baked Potatoes

  1. Cool Completely: Allow the potatoes to cool completely before storing.
  2. Refrigerate: Place the potatoes in an airtight container or wrap them individually in aluminum foil. Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
  3. Reheat: To reheat, place the potatoes back in the air fryer at 350°F (175°C) for 5-10 minutes, or until heated through. You can also reheat them in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, or until warm.


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Air fryer baked potatoes are easy, crispy, and iconic. The insides will be tender and perfect for any number of toppings.

  1. Preheat your air fryer to 400°F to ensure your potatoes cook evenly.
  2. Scrub the potatoes well and pat them dry with a kitchen towel. Then, poke them a few times with a fork’s tines. (You need to poke holes to prevent them from exploding in the air fryer).
  3. Next, rub them with some olive or avocado oil and sprinkle them with kosher salt.
  4. Transfer them to the basket of the air fryer. Cook at 400°F until the outsides are crispy and the insides are tender. You’ll know the potatoes are done when they’re easily pierced by a fork. This should take about 30-40 minutes, depending on the size of your potatoes.
  5. Using tongs, transfer the potatoes to a platter or individual plates. 
  6. Next, slice them open, fluff up their insides with a fork, and top them with your favorite fixings.


Don’t crowd the air fryer: This helps ensure your potatoes bake evenly. You want to make sure to get that crispy skin after all.

Reheating potatoes: You can also use your air fryer to reheat your baked potatoes. Bake them at 350-400°F for about 3-4 minutes, or until they’re warmed through with crispy skin. Or, reheat in the microwave for 2-3 minutes on high.


  • Calories: 168 kcal per serving

Tips for Perfect Air Fryer Baked Potatoes:

  1. Choose the Right Potatoes: Use Russet potatoes for the best texture. They have a starchy interior that becomes fluffy when baked.
  2. Prep the Potatoes: Wash and dry the potatoes thoroughly. Prick them a few times with a fork to allow steam to escape and prevent bursting.
  3. Even Cooking: Arrange potatoes in a single layer in the air fryer basket without overcrowding to ensure even cooking.
  4. Adjust Cooking Time: If using smaller or larger potatoes, adjust the cooking time accordingly. Smaller potatoes may take 25-30 minutes, while larger ones might need up to 45 minutes.
  5. Crispier Skin: For extra crispy skin, rub a little olive oil on the potatoes before air frying.
  6. Check for Doneness: Use a fork to check if the potatoes are tender all the way through. If not, cook for an additional 5-10 minutes.
  7. Keep Warm: If you’re not serving the potatoes immediately, keep them warm in the air fryer at a lower temperature (around 200°F or 93°C) until ready to serve.
  8. Flavor Variations: Experiment with different seasonings like garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, or herbs for added flavor.

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