
What Is The 80/20 Diet Lifestyle?

The goal of the 80:20 diet lifestyle

The 80/20 diet lifestyle, also known as the “Pareto principle” or “balanced lifestyle,” is a dietary approach that promotes a balanced approach to eating.

The principle behind this lifestyle is that 80% of your diet should consist of nutrient-dense, whole foods, while the remaining 20% can be more flexible and include treats or less healthy options. The Mediterranean style of eating is a great way to apply the 80/20 principle to everyday eating.

80/20 Diet & Lifestyle Goal

The goal of the 80/20 diet lifestyle is to strike a balance between healthy eating and indulging in treats or less healthy options. This approach allows individuals to enjoy their favorite foods in moderation without completely derailing their healthy eating habits.

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In addition to promoting a balanced approach to eating, the 80/20 diet lifestyle also emphasizes the importance of regular physical activity, stress management, and getting enough sleep. These factors are all essential for overall health and well-being.

The Health Habit Book

I discuss the 80/20 lifestyle and moderation in healthy living in my book, The Health Habit: 7 Easy Steps to Reach Your Goals and Dramatically Improve Your Life. If you’re looking to apply the 80/20 lifestyle to your life, this book is a great place to start!

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Overall, the 80/20 diet lifestyle is a flexible approach to healthy eating that encourages individuals to make mindful food choices while still allowing for some indulgences. It is a sustainable approach to healthy living that can be easily integrated into a busy lifestyle.

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