
Biden Press Office Trolls Fox News White House Reporters With “Pride” Flag Cupcakes | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor

Has there ever been a White House so obsessed with sexual lifestyles and rubbing it in the faces of the American people than the Biden administration?

Biden Press Office Trolls Fox News White House Reporters With “Pride” Flag Cupcakes | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor

Deputy White House Press Secretary Andrew Bates posted photos and commentary of the delivery of a tray of so-called “progress pride” flag frosted cupcakes to the Fox News cubicle in the White House basement Friday.

Bates linked to a CNN article by Oliver Darcy that attacked Fox News for calling Joe Biden a “wannabe dictator” in a chyron and for an article that accused Biden of promoting grooming and pedophilia by flying the so-called “progress pride” flag on the White House at an LGBTQI+ picnic earlier this month. Bates attacked Fox News last week over the perceived slights.

“Cupcakes in solidarity with @FOXCorp, which @FoxNews is attacking w/ a malicious, still-not-retracted digital article. @CNN: “The preposterous story failed to mention that Fox Corporation’s own logo had been wrapped in the very same pride flag last year.”…We delivered some to the good folks in the @FoxNews offices here at the White House.”

Indeed, last year Fox Corp decorated their logo in the so-called “progress pride” flag. It is no secret that Fox Corp has been captured by the leftist Murdoch children since the demise of Roger Ailes.

The CNN report linked to a Media Matters tweet that showed the remade Fox logo found on page 25 in an August 2022 “corporate responsibility report.”

Bates also tweeted the Fox “pride” logo last week:

During the Trump presidency, reporter April Ryan feuded with Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders over a photo of homemade holiday pecan pie. The feuding ended amicably with the gift of a pie to Ryan, not spitefully as was done Friday by the Biden White House.

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