
GOP Rep. Keith Self Warns of Looming Government Shutdown Starting October 1, Unless a “Miracle” Happens | The Gateway Pundit

GOP Rep. Keith Self Warns of Looming Government Shutdown Starting October 1, Unless a “Miracle” Happens | The Gateway Pundit

Representative Keith Self (R-TX) took to his social media account to issue a stark warning about the imminent threat of a government shutdown. The Congressman laid out a grim scenario that could unfold starting October 1st, blaming the Democrat-controlled Senate for its unwillingness to compromise on key issues like border security and fiscal responsibility.

Rep. Self’s warning comes as Congress grapples with passing a budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

The Republican-led House has been pushing for increased border security measures and spending cuts, but Self predicts that the Senate will reject any such proposals.

“Starting October 1st (absent a miracle) the government will shut down,” Self wrote.

“The Senate will reject ANY House proposal that increases border security and cuts spending. The Democrat-controlled Senate will send back their bill with increased spending, woke DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiatives, and left-wing pet projects. Negotiations will continue back and forth between House and Senate.” he added.

Rep. Self did not mince words when describing the political landscape in Washington, D.C., referring to it as “the Washington swamp.” He emphasized that caving to the demands of the Senate would be a betrayal of the American people who seek fiscal responsibility and strong national security.

“BOTTOM LINE: We cannot cave to the Washington swamp,” he said.

The Congressman urged his colleagues and the American public to stand firm, invoking the constitutional power of the purse held by the House of Representatives.

“With the power of the purse and the American people behind us, let’s see what great things we can accomplish!” Rep. Self concluded.

Matt Gaetz (R-FL) echoed Self’s sentiments about the urgent need for fiscal responsibility and strong border security.

“I am inspired by the clarity and focus of Congressman Keith Self, a great Texan. He is absolutely correct. We must not cave,” Rep. Gaetz said.

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