
“I Was Going to Kill Everybody and Myself” After Being Fired From CNN (AUDIO)

“I Was Going to Kill Everybody and Myself” After Being Fired From CNN (AUDIO)

Chris Cuomo revealed he was suicidal and wanted to kill everybody after he was fired from CNN.

CNN announced in 2021 the cable network fired host Chris Cuomo, “effective immediately” following an investigation into Cuomo using his journalism contacts to help defend his brother former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) when he was facing numerous allegations of sexual assault by female staffers.

Cuomo also quit his SiriusXM radio show after being fired from CNN.

He is now a host at NewsNation.

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“I had to accept it because I was going to kill everybody, including myself. Things can consume you,” he said.

“Italians are so passionate and I really had to fight against that because, you know, just like you did, I got too many people counting on me,” he said.

Cuomo made the remarks during an interview on Anthony Scaramucci’s podcast, ‘Open Book with Anthony Scaramucci.’


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