
President Trump Responds to TGP Report that Raffensperger Gang May Have Committed Crime in Famous Phone Call

What real crimes were committed in Georgia’s 2020 election?

On January 2, 2021, President Trump held a phone call with Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.  Individuals from both camps were also on the call.  After the call was over Raffensperger told the President of the United States that he would respond to the President’s auditor, but he lied, he never did (yet Raffensperger refers to himself as Mr. Integrity).

Raffensperger’s attorney who was on the call and Raffensperger lied by omission when they didn’t tell the President of the United States that they had commissioned an audit of the 2020 Election process in Fulton County and the results were terrible.  They knew that the election had numerous anomalies and yet they certified it anyways.

After the call, selective pieces of the call were leaked to the Washington Post which presented President in a manner that would suggest he was trying to “overthrow the election”.  President Trump like most Americans just wanted a free and fair election and if not, wanted a do-over or some other type of fair remedy.  Certifying a noncertifiable election for Joe Biden three days after the election was not a fair remedy.

Yesterday, TGP reported on new information about that phone call.  There is reason to believe that the call was recorded illegally.  Raffensperger’s Assistant Secretary of State is widely regarded as the individual who recorded the call and who shared selective segments with the far-left Washington Post.  There is reason to believe that Jordan Fuchs was in Florida when she recorded the call.  If this is the case it is likely that this was illegal because Florida is a two-party state.

EXCLUSIVE: A Potential Crime Identified Related to President Trump’s Call with Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger

President Trump shared this article twice yesterday on Truth Social.

In his first Truth, President Trump shared:

The Election of 2020 was Rigged and Stolen, and the evidence is all over the place!

In our article, we reported that President Trump’s auditor and a Georgia Senator and former judge identified hundreds of thousands of votes that were in question in Georgia.

In his second Truth, President Trump shared:

This is the real crime that took place in Georgia, with a Racist in Reverse D.A., who presides over the most dangerous city per capita in our Nation (by far!), Atlanta, does nothing but harass me for making two absolutely PERFECT phone calls, and for any other fake reason that the Department of Injustice in D.C. tells her to pursue. They are demanding silence from people from protesting, or even discussing, Election results, because that’s the place they just don’t want to get anywhere near!

One TGP reader pointed out the following about the call:

Along with being illegal, wouldn’t the illegal recording also be defamation of character as well? President Trump has suffered real harm to his political, professional, and personal, reputation because of the malicious, illegal actions of these two. The Trump brand has suffered harm because of it. But not only civil liability, isn’t this an attack on the sitting President of the United States? If it were a legal recording, it wouldn’t necessarily be. But what if they have broken federal law in order to leak this out with a malicious story? Could this be construed as Treason? A coup attempt against a sitting President?

Good questions.

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