
Pro-Abortion Extremist Sentenced to 7.5 Years in Prison for Firebombing Wisconsin Pro-Life Clinic on Mother’s Day | The Gateway Pundit

A pro-abortion extremist has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for firebombing the Wisconsin Family Action pro-life clinic on Mother’s Day in 2022.

Biochemist Hridindu Sankar Roychowdhury, 29, was caught by police using DNA from a half-eaten burrito that they left at the scene of the crime.

Roychowdhury had thrown two Molotov cocktails through a window he broke, set a bookcase on fire, and spraypainted “If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either” on the front of the building.

The arsonist was facing up to 20 years in prison but has accepted a plea agreement to reduce his sentence.

Wisconsin Family Action president emeritus Julaine Appling spoke at the sentencing hearing, saying, “May 8, 2022, is forever emblazoned on my mind. It was a very visual reminder that people who disagree with us can and will use violence to try to silence us.”

Appling had asked the court to sentence the arsonist to 15 years in prison.

“We recommended the defendant receive 15 years imprisonment,” Appling continued. “We based that on justice—on the punishment fitting the crime, not on retribution or vengeance. This was a serious, premeditated crime that was the first of nearly 100 attacks on prolife organizations across the country. In light of this, we are disappointed in the judge’s decision regarding a crime the judge called ‘terrorism’ multiple times. The US Attorney’s office had also recommended 12-15 years imprisonment. A civil society does not exist if violence is the default reaction to disagreeing with people.”

President Christine File added, “We are disappointed. The court missed an opportunity to strengthen the protection of constitutional rights like free speech and free exercise, rights that have themselves been under assault in recent years. The defendant’s act of domestic terrorism to threaten our people, our families and friends, our neighbors, and our greater pro-life community is unconscionable. Ultimately, the defendant—and others who attacked pro-life groups they disagree with—attacked our civil society and the constitutional rights foundational to it.”

“It is notable that nearly 60 people filled the courtroom to support this person who committed a violent, unprovoked, and hate-filled crime. Will the society-of-tomorrow support terrorism intended to silence people with whom we disagree? But perhaps most concerning, in the two years since the attack the defendant did not at any point express remorse to the people he targeted and harmed—until the judge asked him. We would’ve expected the court to have weighed this callousness towards us more significantly. Given the severity of his crime and the charges he pled guilty to, the sentence lacks proportionality. However, as we’ve said since the day of the attack, no act or threat of violence or terrorism will deter us from our mission—being a voice for the voiceless.”

Investigators found the DNA of two other people at the crime scene, but they have not yet been identified.

Roychowdhury was apprehended at Boston International Airport in March of this year. He had a one-way ticket to leave for Guatemala when he was arrested.

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