
Ron DeSantis Presidential Campaign Announcement Crashes – Planned Twitter Space with Elon Musk at Four Seasons with Billionaire Donors Crashes on Launch | The Gateway Pundit

Ron DeSantis Presidential Campaign Announcement Crashes – Planned Twitter Space with Elon Musk at Four Seasons with Billionaire Donors Crashes on Launch | The Gateway Pundit
Credit: NBC News

Ron DeSantis Wednesday evening announced his run for the White House in a live event with Twitter owner Elon Musk.

As The Gateway Pundit reported yesterday, Ron DeSantis will announce his presidential run on Wednesday at 6 pm ET in a Twitter space interview with Elon Musk.

According to Fox, “The announcement by DeSantis coincides with his meeting this week in Miami with top financial backers.”

However, many major donors and voters are abandoning ship ahead of his announcement. President Trump leads by as much as 45-points in recent GOP Primary polls, and many, including big-dollar donors, are questioning whether DeSantis is ready for primetime.

The Gateway Pundit reported that DeSantis’ campaign was registered with the Federal Election Commission just hours ago.

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Trump Campaign Spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt called tonight’s Twitter campaign launch “out-of-touch” and unrelatable, then slammed his plans for an after-party at the Four Seasons Miami.

Leavitt further slammed DeSantis labeling him “a puppet of the corporate donor class,” unlike President Trump, “who can’t be bought.”

Listen to Elon Musk’s Twitter space live below:

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