“The Calvary Is Not Coming – Where the Hell Is the National RNC? Republican Party Is Spineless!” – Caroline Wren on the Worthless GOP (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Yesterday, President Trump was indicted in another bogus case by a lawless regime drunk on their lust for power.
This was Trump’s second indictment on junk charges in two months. He faces 41 different charges between the two cases against him.
The American people are confused and frightened as they see their freedoms and the blind justice system slip away.
On Friday morning Caroline Wren, Senior Advisor for Kari Lake, joined Steve Bannon on The War Room.
Caroline Wren: “It’s happening, right before our eyes. We’re watching as our most fundamental rights and values are being systematically dismantled by an unholy alliance of corrupt politicians, a biased media, and a compromised justice system that’s conspiring to punish anyone in political dissent. The deep state foreshadowed its vengeance with Nixon, and it’s showing its full rage today with Trump.
Do we honestly think that if Ron DeSantis or Tim Scott or someone becomes the Republican nominee that this weaponization of government by the left is just going to go away? I mean, hell no!
Trump says this. He says that they’re not after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way. He is exactly right. The left is at war with us. They want single party rule in this country, and they’re winning the war because frankly, it’s not a hard war to win considering the Republicans aren’t even showing up to the battlefield. I mean, where the hell is the Republican National Committee? Where the hell are the Republican AGs or Republican prosecutors? I mean, my God, why isn’t every Republican member of Congress holding a press conference outside of the White House right now as we speak?
The Republican Party is spineless and we just roll over constantly. I mean, Hillary Clinton was destroying classified documents as the Secretary of State on her personal email server. And you know what happened to her? Absolutely nothing. In fact, the media then investigated the Russia hoax just to cover up for Hillary Clinton’s document scandal. So anyone who is not absolutely just enraged right now by what’s going on is not paying attention or they’re just willing to let their country go.
Via The War Room: