
The Results of CPAC Vice President Poll Announced – Surprise Winner?

CPAC not only held a poll for GOP Presidential candidates, but there also was a poll for VP candidates.  The results may surprise some. 

Resist the Mainstream reports:

Over the weekend, former Arizona GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake came out on top in a straw poll for the Republican vice presidential pick during the Conservative Action Political Conference.

The poll results showed that Lake topped the field of 28 candidates with 20 percent of the vote, beating former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley as well as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. DeSantis received 14 percent of the vote, and Haley, who announced her bid for the White House last month, won 10 percent.

Lake was a featured speaker at CPAC’s Ronald Reagan Dinner over the weekend and has continued to fight her loss in the governor’s race last November, challenging the election results in court.

The news of the VP results was shared on Kari Lake’s War Room account on Twitter:

Lake shares a story of her growing up in Iowa in a family of nine.  She graduated from the University of Iowa and then soon found herself in the western state of Arizona where she loved the people and her job as a news anchor for more than two decades.

See how her life led her to run for Governor of Arizona.

This is why Lake finished first in the vote for Vice President.  This is why the communist left hates her.  

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