
Uncovered: 2021 Video Shows Far Left UK Activist and Advisor to Police Filmed Leading “From the River to the Sea” Chant at Pro-Palestine Rally | The Gateway Pundit

Uncovered: 2021 Video Shows Far Left UK Activist and Advisor to Police Filmed Leading “From the River to the Sea” Chant at Pro-Palestine Rally | The Gateway Pundit
Image @Attiq Malik/Facebook

Lawyer Attiq Malik, chairman of the London Muslim Communities Forum, led chants of “from the river to the sea” at a pro-Palestinian rally in the UK in 2021 and railed against “global censorship by the Zionists” as he whipped up the crowd.

UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman has said the “From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free”chant has become “a staple of anti-Semitic discourse”.

Embarrassingly, according to The Telegraph, Malik served as an adviser to the police on their response to protests over the Israel-Hamas conflict and was even present in the police operations room during protests last month.

The Telegraph reports:

This newspaper can reveal that Mr Malik is chairman of London Muslim Communities Forum, which is described on a dedicated page of the Metropolitan Police’s website as a “strategic advisory body for the Met”.

Among its formal objectives are to “inform and help shape police policy and procedure at a strategic level”.

In this capacity, Mr Malik was invited to observe the Metropolitan Police’s response to protests from the force’s operations room in Lambeth, south London, last month.

Senior officers in the operations room, overseen by the “gold commander” responsible for policing each march, have been making decisions about whether particular chants or behavior constitute criminal offenses.

The video, uncovered by The Telegraph, shows Malik addressing a protest in May 2021.

Mr Malik states: “We go on BBC, ITV, do we see any of this? No we don’t. You watch Sky News, do we see this? No. Even on social media what we’re seeing is the posts are going up on Insta, LinkedIn, Facebook, they’re getting deleted.”

“What’s going on is global censorship by the Zionists, global censorship to silence us.”

He closes his remarks by leading “from the river to the sea” chants and encouraging the crowd to respond with “Palestine will be free”.

According to BBC, a spokesperson for the Met Police said it has ended its relationship with Malik while it investigates the matter,  “This instance has highlighted past language and views expressed by Attiq Malik that appear antisemitic and contrary with our values.”

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