
Will Trent Season 2 Episode 1 Review: Me Llamo Will Trent

Will’s past returned to haunt him as he lost someone he cared about.

On Will Trent Season 2 Episode 1, Will still struggled with learning that James Ulster murdered his birth mother, who he never got to meet. He’s still learning who to rely on when asked to lead a car bombing investigation.

The season opener delivered the best of both worlds — helping people in danger and tying the case-of-the-week back to the lead characters’ lives. The car bombing affected Will and Michael the most, and it’s exciting that we get to delve more into their interpersonal lives.

The New Team - Will Trent

Will has always been a loner, so it wasn’t surprising that he didn’t confide in Amanda or Faith that he wanted to learn Spanish to feel closer to his late mother. He almost seemed to resent Amanda calling him about work during that time off.

It was entertaining that the series threw back to Will Trent Season 1 Episode 1 and had Will and Betty ride through town in his car. Betty symbolizes his safe haven and his family.

Will and Betty - Will Trent Season 2 Episode 1

It’s the first time the audience has seen Will and Amanda interact in months. While it seemed like there was underlying tension, it was business as usual at the case, except Faith wasn’t at the crime scene. This could have been because of filming and not storyline purposes.

It became quickly apparent that the bomber targeted the wrong house. Will noticed the exact maroon car in a neighbor’s driveway and became suspicious.

Will: Did you know that less than one percent of Americans drive maroon cars?
Arthur: Well, that’s a fun fact.
Will: It’s quite a coincidence that you and your neighbor drive one. This might sound crazy, but do you have any reason to believe that someone would be trying to kill you today?

This episode added two well-known guest stars, and Clark Gregg portrayed the intended target, Arthur, very well. He was hiding something and didn’t want the GBI’s assistance.

Initially, the storyline hinted at the delicate balance between agents trying to protect someone and the witness thinking law enforcement was stalking them.

Stopping the Witness - Will Trent Season 2 Episode 1

It wasn’t until the bombers started shooting at them in the diner parking lot and they accused him of protecting someone that Arthur broke down.

People protecting family has always been Will’s weak spot since he never had that growing up. He vowed to reunite Arthur with his son or at least allow them to chat soon.

It was great to see Susan Kelechi Watson as Cricket Dawson, the bomb expert. This is Us fans will enjoy seeing her portray a badass female with Beth Pearson’s kindness. She was so intense and admired how Will handled the James Ulster case that he felt uncomfortable.

Honestly, that was partly because Will didn’t like remembering the abuse he suffered in foster care. Yes, they’re going darker this season, and the series hinted at the trauma Will endured because of one of his foster homes. Likely, he blamed James for that.

A Mysterious Gift - Will Trent Season 2 Episode 1

James still played mind games by sending alcohol to Will and getting into his head. Cricket was the only one who got Will to open up about anything since Will was usually as buttoned-up as his suits.

It was obvious she liked him, but Will was clueless about dating. He had never really dated anyone but Angie, so he was unaware she was hitting him.

Will: We’ve been over a while.
Cricket: Are you sad about it?
Will: Agent, what is happening? Are you writing a book about me?
Cricket: No, I’m just asking questions and trying to get to know you.

Seeing Will interact with both Cricket, and Angie reiterated the differences in the relationships. He was more familiar with Angie; they would probably always be in each other’s lives, but it wasn’t necessarily healthy.

They knew how to trigger each other, including who handled James’s attack worse. Angie has been out of work for six months, endured multiple surgeries, and still has more rehab.

Wanting to Return - Will Trent Season 2 Episode 1

Will: Are we actually arguing right now about who’s more messed up?
Angie: We don’t have to argue.

While Angie’s recovery story is only beginning, it’s a delicate balance between returning to work too soon versus being idle and becoming an addict again. Blackmailing her doctor to sign off on her papers seemed too far.

Angie wasn’t wrong. Holding everything in and not talking about his birth mother being murdered by a psychopath was a trauma response. Will needed to process the trauma and Amanda’s part in keeping the secret before he could heal.

For now, Angie was too close to the situation. It was probably better that Will was mainly partnered with Cricket. She kept everyone calm, even when they learned there was another bomb in another woman’s car, who had a brother in the same prison as Arthur’s son.

By this time, it was apparent that a prison gang was behind this and not some random thugs because the thugs were afraid of the man in charge. Each person was instructed to pay money, or their loved one would be harmed.

The Bomb Squad - Will Trent Season 2 Episode 1

As soon as Cricket and Will saved someone, the problem became widespread because the leader played mind games. They couldn’t even get a minute to celebrate that they rescued Emily Chu.

Will: That was so…
Cricket: Hot?
Will: Agent Dawson, I would like to take you to dinner, defuse another bomb, and then have sexual intercourse, if that’s all right?

Will and Cricket’s flirty banter lightened up the serious case. It was sexy watching the two of them under the last car in the impound lot with her in charge, figuring out how to stop the bomb.

Despite how uncomfortable the bomb was ticking, how Cricked used that opportunity to ask Will about his life was everything. She knew he couldn’t escape and tried to show him that someone genuinely cared about him.

Even when he revealed his relationship to James, Cricket didn’t flinch because, in a short time, she had learned who Will was.

Even if he is your father, it doesn’t matter because you’re your own man. You’re Will Trent.


Will and Cricket - Will Trent Season 2 Episode 1

After those two bonded, it was devastating that Cricket died in a heroic act, saving Will’s life. She had such natural chemistry with Ramon that we hoped she’d stick around.

The series delved into Micheal’s personal life for the first time since Will Trent Season 1 Episode 3.

He suspected his wife was having an affair, but instead of asking her about it, he installed a tracker in her car.

Franklin criticized him for acting like a jerk but supported him when he learned Gina didn’t tell Michael she loved him. Franklin really acts like a father figure to Michael and Angie when they need a family unit.

Franklin: Why don’t you stop treating this as a murder investigation and talk to her like a grown-up?
Michael: Right. If I do that, she’ll think I don’t trust her.
Franklin: Well, you don’t.

Michael's Family Drama - Will Trent Season 2 Episode 1

Michael’s world fell apart when his teenage son, Max, got into a massive fight with him about the tracker and ruining their lives right before the bomb detonator activated.

There was no way he was leaving the precinct without his son.

He had to make amends and fix things. This was another side of Michael we had never seen- the devoted father who loved his children more than life and wanted them to know that.

Since the leader was playing games, Will was determined to speak to him in prison, even if it was the person he despised the most, his birth father.

Questioning Arthur - Will Trent Season 2 Episode 1

Over to you, Will Trent Fanatics. Was anyone surprised that James is back and playing mind games again?

Are you excited to learn more about the main characters’ personal lives?

Tell us in the comments below.

Will Trent airs on Tuesdays at 8/7c on ABC.

Laura Nowak is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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