
Bird-Watching Gets Deadly In New Erotic Thriller


With the recent comeback of the erotic thriller has come the emergence of the queer erotic thriller. Think of films such as Stranger By The Lake, Femme, and even Bound (a pivotal piece of queer cinema). And the pantheon of steamy and violent films that lean fully into the breadth of the queer experience is only growing, especially with the upcoming release of Nate Dushku‘s feature film debut, Birder.

Read the full synopsis below:

A bird watcher, Kristian Brooks, invades a nude queer campground on a remote lake in New Hampshire. He wears whatever cover he needs to ensnare the locals in his dark fetish in this nightmarish erotic thriller. Consent has never been more deadly.

The trailer is already Steamy with a capital S, and with such an interesting premise, this seems to be the perfect addition to the growing erotic thriller wave. Who knew bird watching could be so sexy?

If you aren’t familiar with the subgenre, the erotic thriller is essentially what it sounds like: it’s a narrative that involves illicit sex (typically a spouse cheating) and acts of violence. Prime examples include Basic Instinct, Fatal Attraction, Dressed To Kill, and Single White Female. They’re sexy but scary, titillating and terrifying. While the beginning of the subgenre was dominated by heterosexual relationships, films such as Birder have brought more diverse sexualities into the mix (no offense to Sharon Stone’s psychotic bisexual Catherine in Basic Instinct).

Dushku directs Birder from script by Amnon Lourie. Michael Emery, David J. Cork, Uki Pavlovic, Jes Davis, Cody Sloan, and Delilah DuBois star in the film.

Birder comes to digital and VOD on June 25, 2024.


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